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news by category: Africa

Found 882 articles.

Displaying 871-880 out of 882 results.

Tehran's ambitions

Iran is working to build a presence across Africa as it seeks to overcome efforts by the United States, Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states to isolate it....

Low key in Ouaga

The Francophone summit was a pale shadow of times past and it achieved little on Zaïre

President Mobutu Sese Seko was detained elsewhere but everybody in Ouagadougou wanted to know what was happening to his country. The Rwandan and Zaïrean delegations had hardly...

The details left out of the deal

For the first time the World Bank and the IMF have found a way to reschedule some of Africa's debts

World Bank President James Wolfensohn called it a 'lovefest'. True, the rich country finance ministers did reach a rare consensus in Washington on 1-3 October on the outline...


Italy is back in the Horn of Africa. The trigger was Romano Prodi's appointment as Prime Minister in May. Driving the revival (of which there are signs elsewhere...


Paris is cutting its unwieldy, mainly conscript, 500,000-strong army, to form a smaller, well equipped regular force. Defence Minister Charles Millon visited Chad and Gabon on 5-8 October...

Standing (by)

United States' plans for a 10,000-strong all-African military force to intervene in regional political crises are winning cautious backing from European and African governments. Much remains to be...

Pré carré revisted

Gaullist by belief and pragmatic by nature, Chirac gets nostalgic in Africa

When he came to power 14 months ago, President Jacques Chirac promised a new French policy for Africa. This he failed to deliver during his visit to Gabon...

Soldiers for sale

Their critics call them mercenaries but some regimes find they cannot do without them

Africa's private armies are growing in power and influence. Hired guns are intervening in almost every conflict on the continent, in some cases supplanting, rather than just assisting,...

American in Africa

Washington's trade campaign in Africa has been hit hard by the death of Commerce Secretary Ron Brown when his military Boeing crashed near Dubrovnik, Croatia, on 3 April.

Funding fall-off

African Development Bank President Morocco's Omar Kabbaj hopes to have reached agreement with donors on a US$2,700 million replenishment for the African Development Fund (ADF 7) next month...

Displaying 871-880 out of 882 results.