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news by category: Africa

Found 879 articles.

Displaying 821-830 out of 879 results.


The much hyped, much criticised, trans-Saharan car race, the Dakar-Cairo Rally (still called Paris-Dakar), won huge but costly publicity when, instead of for the first time driving across...

Brave new century

Dealing with the conflicts from the Atlantic to the Red Sea will dominate this year's policy agenda

The tempo of political and economic change in Africa will speed up in 2000. In six elections, credible opposition parties will vie for power. Heavy pressure is building...

Less debt, more growth

World Bank President Jim Wolfensohn, together with internationalist anti-debt campaigners, will get joint credit if the Bank and the international Monetary Fund's Heavily Indebted Poor Country initiative makes...

Presidential accounts

Between the banks and the ruling families, Africa's money runs out

President Bill Clinton's government wants to crack down on the private-banking departments of some major US banks through which, it is alleged, corrupt foreign officials have laundered stolen...

Blow up

As the opposition attacks Khartoum's new pipeline, Colonel Gadaffi tries to mediate

The opposition fighters who blew a hole in the government's new oil pipeline on 19 September also blew apart its campaign to convince the world that it has...

Busting the busters

A combination of new surveillance technology and pressure on the United Nations to do more to clamp down on weapons flows to rebel movements in Africa is making...

Another Euroland

Prospects for economic union in West Africa, at least among the CFA Franc Zone countries, are looking up. The Union Economique et Monétaire Ouest-Africaine is pushing ahead with...

Out of Africa

Peter Hain's appointment as Britain's Minister of State for Africa is likely to push African concerns a few notches higher up the Whitehall totem pole.

Rival refugees

Those in Africa who'd hoped the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation's bombing of former Yugoslavia presaged a tougher line on rogue states and human rights abusers are disappointed. The...

Displaying 821-830 out of 879 results.