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news by category: Africa

Found 882 articles.

Displaying 731-740 out of 882 results.

Terror imperative

Britain will soon have defence attachés (DAs) in Algeria and Sudan but will lose its DA in Angola and probably other African countries to pay for them. A...

Death by plane

Sudanese Vice-President John Garang's death in a helicopter crash on 30 July (see Feature) highlights the danger of African travel, especially in vast roadless countries such as Congo-Kinshasa...

Unkindest cuts

Whitehall promoted the big push for Africa but is now cutting back its diplomatic staff and budgets there

As British ministers congratulate themselves on hoisting Africa fleetingly to the top of the international agenda at the Group of Eight summit on 6-8 July, the British foreign...

Undiplomatic closure

Opposition is mounting to the British government's plans to close its embassy in Madagascar - just as the country is on the brink of securing major new mining...

Dominant Dominique

Reform of France's Africa policy has been set back with the sacking of Foreign Minister Michel Barnier and his replacement by a diplomatic novice, Philippe Douste-Blazy. The new...

The big push comes to shove

Whitehall's sweeping African aid and trade agenda isn't winning enough friends to change policies

Two months ahead of the Group of Eight (G8) summit in Gleneagles, Scotland, Britain is making little headway in winning support for its agenda for Africa - the...

Britain's man in Africa

Britain's Foreign Secretary Jack Straw and International Development Secretary Hilary Benn stay in their posts after the Labour Party's victory in Britain's elections on 5 May but will...

Oil bubble

Spectacular launches on London's second-tier stock market rely on odd claims about assets in Africa

White Nile, an oil company set up in London late last year and with a single, disputed, Sudanese asset to its name, tempted eager London Stock Exchange (LSE)...

Banking bust-up

Egypt wants its own man to run an all-Africa bank everyone else is angry

Leadership in Africa is an old Egyptian dream. It looks a lot less solid since President Hosni Mubarak's government expelled Jean-Louis Ekra, the new Ivorian president of Afreximbank,...

Back to DC

Washington's newish, enthusiastic Ambassador to South Africa, Jendayi E. Frazer, is heading back to base to take over as Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, we hear....

Displaying 731-740 out of 882 results.