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news by category: Africa

Found 882 articles.

Displaying 721-730 out of 882 results.

Pause in St Petersburg

After last year's big push, the G8 risks treading water on Africa policy until the 2007 summit in Germany

African expectations of the Group of Eight summit in St Petersburg on 15-17 July were scaled down well in advance and were not unduly disappointed. Neither the host,...

Beijing's touring team

Trade and investment not ideology dominate the Beijing axis these days

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao's Africa tour last month was the latest of an unprecedented series of diplomatic trips to the region by the most senior officials of the...

Shutting up shop

The decision by US-based risk consultants Kroll to shut down their Africa practice on 3 April appears to have been taken, oddly enough, because the US$1.9 billion company...

Lackadaisical list

As worries grow about air safety in Africa, the European Union has released a new list of 91 (mostly African) airlines banned from entering its airspace. It claims...

Professional risks

The murder of Robert Feliciaggi in the car park of Corsica's Ajaccio airport on 10 March raises embarrassing questions in Africa and France. Feliciaggi owned casinos, lotteries and...

Confucius, he say

On 12 January, China issued a paper on its African policy. This raises more questions than it answers, as it reads less like a policy paper than a...

Booted out

Shock spread when South Africa, host of the 2010 World Cup, was knocked out in the first round after an ignominious 3-0 defeat by Zambia on 30 January....

Privatisation flood

The ideology that has taken over Western utilities spreads in Africa

In Africa, as across the world, water is a hot topic. The hottest current debate is about whether its supply should be organised by private companies or, as...

Flying flu

The next six weeks are crucial in Africa for the much-feared spread of avian influenza, which may be carried by birds migrating from affected countries in central Asia...

Turning the corner

Activists, businesses and politicians are driving a new economic dynamic on the continent

The mood of 'hopeful realism' about Africa at the annual meetings of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund on 24-25 September reflected a growing view that the...

Displaying 721-730 out of 882 results.