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news by category: Africa

Found 879 articles.

Displaying 661-670 out of 879 results.

Singapore's Africa Team

The city-state has assembled a good squad of players in Africa

President S.R. Nathan: took office in 1997, and in April 2007 became the first Singaporean President to go to Africa, with state visits to South Africa, Namibia...

Glass Houses

The U.S. are reacting to the ever-increasing Chinese presence in Africa

Washington politicians are re-evaluating the significance for United States' policy in Africa in light of China's increasing engagement with the continent. On 4 June, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee's Subcommittee...

The Yokohama summit

As Tokyo plays host to African and world leaders this year, politicians try to reform the bureaucracy and boost aid again

Japan is launching major changes in its diplomatic and development strategy this year, coinciding with Yokohama's hosting of the fourth Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD) from...

Slim differences among the parties

How Japan's parties think about Africa, if they think about it at all

Before 1998, Japanese voters would have had some difficuty in identifying any difference in Africa policy among the three main parties. The Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ, Minshutu) admits that even...

The Delhi Durbar

As Beijing and Tokyo boost their profiles, Prime Minister Singh's government hosts its first grand summit

In a direct challenge to established Western interests and the continent's growing ties with China and Japan, India is promising to invest heavily in Africa's transport, energy and manufacturing sectors as...

In the Navy

The exercise of power on Africa's seas

India has defined Africa as part of its wider strategic interest and is concerned about nuclear rival China's encroachment on what it perceives as its'wider sphere of influence' along...

Chalo Africa

The Indians are making moves in the diamond market, but will it last forever?

Indian Commerce Minister Jairam Ramesh cut a deal with Endiama, Angola's state-owned diamond company, to facilitate the direct sale of stones to India by mid-2009. India is also...

Two continents, one food crisis

China, India and Korea are taking the lead in efforts to boost Africa's farm production, while preventing grain exports to the region

Africans depend heavily on imported food, and the World Bank estimates that world food prices rose by 58% between March 2007 and March 2008. Moreover, several important food-exporting...

Displaying 661-670 out of 879 results.