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news by category: Africa

Found 882 articles.

Displaying 651-660 out of 882 results.

New regime, new policy

Japan's new government lacks the Africa credentials of its predecessor, but Premier Aso promises to reform Japan's policies

Just a day after he was elected by the Diet, Japan's new Prime Minister Taro Aso flew to New York to address the United Nations General Assembly. Although he does...

Leading horses to water

Japanese businesses are realising that success in Africa is hard to come by

Japanese companies in Africa are struggling to increase their market share against pressure from Chinese and Western firms, a new survey by the Japanese External Trade Organisation (JETRO) has found. Some...

The Beijing development plan

Geographic and sectoral 'special economic zones' are China's keys to opening African markets to increased trade

African states are competing to host China's special economic zones in the expectation they will bring in billions of dollars of investments and create tens of thousands of jobs -in...

In deep water

African states are at last taking action against the clandestine trawlers pillaging their fishing stocks

Members of the Maritime Organisation of West and Central Africa have committed themselves towards the establishment of a multinational coastguard service to patrol the largely ungoverned seas off Africa's...

Washington, Beijing or African consensus?

Those African regimes seeking to emulate the Chinese model should remember that real development starts at home, argues Senegalese writer Adama Gaye

Sports and politics rhymed perfectly as the organisation of the Beijing Olympics confirmed China's global rise. And the impressive harvest of medals won by China's athletes lends credibility to claims that...

Developing and insuring prosperity

The two banks backing up Chinese investment in Africa

SINOSURE: China Export and Credit Insurance Corporation (Sinosure) was established in December 2001 through a merger between the People's Insurance Company of China and the insurance arms of China Exim Bank....

China's battling banks

The mighty Chinese banking triad

CHINA EXIM BANK: Established in 1994 under the Policy Banks Law, China Exim Bank is currently the third largest export credit agency in the world. China Exim Bank is tasked...

Competing to finance Africa

The slow motion revolution sweeping across China as the state-owned banks assert their independence from Beijing's directives will mean a much wider range of financing available to Africa. Commercial rivalries and diminishing coordination may make it harder to work with the banks, which remain at the core of China's Africa strategy.

China Exim Bank and Sinosure are together expected to become the world's largest export credit agencies by 2010, according to the Export-Import Bank of the United States, just two decades after...

The tough trade talks after Hokkaido

Aid and trade are to be discussed as Africa looks to Japan to act on protectionist farming tariffs

Tokyo's careful diplomacy ahead of the Hokkaido G8 summit the 7-9 July now faces its biggest test among African states: how can Japan explain its stance at the next round...

Here comes Hokkaido

Africa policy on aid and commerce is central to Tokyo's diplomatic overhaul this year, as regional rivalries grow

In many ways, the fourth Tokyo International Conference on African Development in Yokohama on 28-30 May was a dry run for Tokyo's Group of 8 summit in Hokkaido...

Displaying 651-660 out of 882 results.