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news by category: Africa

Found 882 articles.

Displaying 621-630 out of 882 results.

The waiting list

Taiwan is financially out-gunned by China and a diplomatic truce may now be its only option

The diplomatic battles between China and Taiwan – often played out on African soil – are on hold. There is no formal truce yet because China’s strategists...

Tokyo's plans

JICA President Sadako Ogata says that Japan will speed up, scale up and spread out Japanese assistance to Africa

Sadako Ogata, President of the newly reorganised Japan International Cooperation Agency, says that the JICA is now the best funded national development agency in the world. Her job,...

Seoul search in Africa

Despite the global slowdown, South Korea used its Africa summit to strike more deals and expand its diplomatic reach

International financial realities did not deter the 21 African delegations to the second Korea-Africa Economic Cooperation Conference (KOAFEC), held in Seoul on 27-30 October. At the inaugural meeting two years ago,...

New forces in the arms bazaar

Fast-growing economies in Asia are challenging Western dominance of the war business in Africa

Asian states buy, sell and invest in Africa and their military dealings are growing too. The global arms trade is dominated by the United States, Western Europe and Russia, but...

Uwe Wissenbach

Coordinator for Africa-China Relations, European Commission

Many European Union diplomats believe their continent’s influence is being sidelined as China boosts its investments and profile in Africa. One man in the European Commission is working to channel those...

Jungle justice

Lingering court cases such as the murder of Judge Bernard Borrel in Djibouti, the Angolagate arms trial and the arrest of Rwanda’s Rose Kabuye cast a shadow over...

Slowdown hits the sparklers

New diamond mines no longer seem the prospect they once were

The new poor do not buy diamonds, so the big producers hope to keep their profit margins up by cutting production. A conference on 17 November organised by...

Changes ahead for UN forces

Africa's crises may prompt radical reform of the mandates and structures of peacekeeping operations

United Nations' peacekeeping faces its biggest crisis since it started some 60 years ago in Palestine. This month, over a million lives are at risk in Congo-Kinshasa as...

Espion embarrassant

The leaked diaries of former French intelligence chief Yves Bertrand have enraged and amused the political establishment in Paris, which is already intrigued by the accusations of high-level...

Displaying 621-630 out of 882 results.