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news by category: Africa

Found 882 articles.

Displaying 581-590 out of 882 results.

Credits crunched

Africa advisor at the Elysée Bruno Joubert will be awaiting a ruling by Paris's parquet on the admissibility of a civil case against Gabon's President Omar Bongo Ondimba,...

Telecoms domination in three fell swoops

Financial and communication technology are powering major Indian deals

Untitled Document Indian companies are behind three now somewhat troubled bids to take over the choicest assets in the African telecoms business: Bharti's US$23 billion merger with MTN, Essar's takeover of...

Africa slips down the foreign policy agenda

After its regime change, Tokyo will focus more on China and the USA and begin a cost-cutting review of its Africa and development policy initiatives

Tokyo's pledges to double aid to Africa and offer US$4 billion in concessional loans are in question following the landslide election of the Democratic Party of Japan on 30 August....

Financial follow-through

Aggressive investment by the China Investment Corporation, which manages nearly US$300 billion of Beijing's $2.1 trillion in foreign reserves, is leading to a boom in Africa-focused investments. In...

The race for strategic minerals

Africa's mineral reserves are drawing interest from Asian and Western states determined to secure supplies and counter wild price fluctuations

Strategic minerals are back in fashion and - along with oil and gas - at the centre of geopolitical rivalries between industrial economies in Asia and the West. New technologies...

Strategic resources and global rivalries

All modern economies face the challenge of securing access to strategic minerals: cobalt, used to make superalloys; rare earth metals like neodymium, which is used in the manufacture of hybrid automotive...

Labouring the point

A new report by African trades unionists accuses Chinese companies of breaking regulations on minimum wages and working conditions

African trades unionists are stepping up their criticism of the Chinese companies in countries like Algeria, Nigeria and South Africa. In mid-August the Congress of South African Trade Unions called on...

African officials ignore labour abuses

African Labour Research Network investigators found that many factory inspectors at Kenya's Labour Ministry took bribes from Chinese and other companies to overlook bad practices. Despite reports that in Malawi, workers...

Displaying 581-590 out of 882 results.