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news by category: Africa

Found 882 articles.

Displaying 281-290 out of 882 results.

Turning down the volume

Washington’s new man in Africa is trying to relaunch his country’s diplomatic efforts in a much more crowded field

When Kenya's President Uhuru Kenyatta asked for advice about how to handle United States President Donald Trump during his state visit to Washington DC on 27 August, a...

Another trade muddle

The marriage between the EU and the continent’s 48 ACP members will rumble on amid talk of a grandiose free trade pact

Formal talks on the successor to the 2000 Cotonou Partnership Agreement between the European Union and the 79-nation African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) community – which includes 48...

Little growth, less opportunity

The Trump administration’s attitude to anything it sees as standing in the way of US interests leaves sub-Saharan nations in limbo

African countries have been low priority targets for Donald Trump, in his role of great reformer of international trade. But in seeking to remove tariffs, the US has...

Another political fix

Increasingly anti-migrant European politicians and governments are exerting more pressure on the EU to come up with solutions

Germany's Finance Minister Olaf Scholz dismissed Europe's political crisis over migration policy as 'summer theatre'. That's what he called the manoeuvres of his conservative coalition partner and Interior...

Migration clouds treaty hopes

Arguments about migration could scupper the successor to the Cotonou Agreement – the treaty governing relations between the European Union and 78 African, Caribbean and Pacific countries –...

Sounding the alarms on debt

Governments see hopeful growth prospects at risk as lenders impose new strictures and borrowing costs rise

Threats of a rapid and unsustainable build-up of debt could disrupt the prospects for growth in many African economies,* according to the International Monetary Fund and World Bank....

Europe banks on Africa

The European Union is weighing up whether to create a new Africa-focused development bank, according to documents seen by Africa Confidential. The EU has been promising to increase...

Migration tests 'partnership'

Fast-changing expectations among developing countries and the EU will complicate the renegotiation of the Cotonou Agreement

The European Union begins talks later this year on a successor to the Cotonou Agreement, its partnership agreement with 78 African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) states signed in...

AGOA hits Mitumba

Rwanda has found itself an unlikely victim of President Donald Trump's international trade war. In a 29 March letter to Congress, the US President announced plans to partly...

Tax treaties 'made by the rich'

Poorer countries denounce the EU labelling some of them tax havens. Measures to curb taxation disputes are dismissed as 'prejudiced'

For some countries in Africa, being dubbed a 'tax haven' by Europeans is adding insult to injury. European Union finance ministers agreed a 'blacklist' and 'greylist' of tax...

Displaying 281-290 out of 882 results.