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news by category: Africa

Found 879 articles.

Displaying 281-290 out of 879 results.

Another political fix

Increasingly anti-migrant European politicians and governments are exerting more pressure on the EU to come up with solutions

Germany's Finance Minister Olaf Scholz dismissed Europe's political crisis over migration policy as 'summer theatre'. That's what he called the manoeuvres of his conservative coalition partner and Interior...

Migration clouds treaty hopes

Arguments about migration could scupper the successor to the Cotonou Agreement – the treaty governing relations between the European Union and 78 African, Caribbean and Pacific countries –...

Sounding the alarms on debt

Governments see hopeful growth prospects at risk as lenders impose new strictures and borrowing costs rise

Threats of a rapid and unsustainable build-up of debt could disrupt the prospects for growth in many African economies,* according to the International Monetary Fund and World Bank....

Europe banks on Africa

The European Union is weighing up whether to create a new Africa-focused development bank, according to documents seen by Africa Confidential. The EU has been promising to increase...

Migration tests 'partnership'

Fast-changing expectations among developing countries and the EU will complicate the renegotiation of the Cotonou Agreement

The European Union begins talks later this year on a successor to the Cotonou Agreement, its partnership agreement with 78 African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) states signed in...

AGOA hits Mitumba

Rwanda has found itself an unlikely victim of President Donald Trump's international trade war. In a 29 March letter to Congress, the US President announced plans to partly...

Tax treaties 'made by the rich'

Poorer countries denounce the EU labelling some of them tax havens. Measures to curb taxation disputes are dismissed as 'prejudiced'

For some countries in Africa, being dubbed a 'tax haven' by Europeans is adding insult to injury. European Union finance ministers agreed a 'blacklist' and 'greylist' of tax...

Skeletons in the cupboard

A grand jury indictment of Och-Ziff lifts the lid on suspect deals between international financiers and investors in Africa

The latest probe into the United States hedge fund Och-Ziff's dealings in Africa has uncovered secret deals involving a company set up by the 'great and the good'...

Two steps forward…

Earnings may increase but sluggish growth looms for the continent's big players and the danger of a debt crunch is increasing

Economies across Africa will grow haltingly, by about 3% on average in 2018 and 3.5% in 2019, according to the latest World Bank forecasts. And the International Monetary...


Refugee protest in Tel Aviv

Hundreds of asylum-seekers protested outside the Rwandan embassy in Tel Aviv on 22 January, drawing unwelcome attention to Israel's programme of deporting mainly Eritrean and Sudanese refugees. In...

Displaying 281-290 out of 879 results.