Vol 62 No 11 | EUROPEAN UNIONAFRICAHEALTHCOVID-19 Parting on patents 27th May 2021 United States President Joe Biden's backing for an unlikely patent-waiver for Covid-19 vaccines is deft political manoeuvring. It announced the USA's return as lead player international development issues...
DISPATCHES Vol 62 No 11 | FRANCEAFRICA Promised 'new dynamic' at summit meets entrenched caution on debt and finance 21st May 2021 European leaders and international officials ensured the discussions were more about recycling prior pledges Talk of a 'New Deal' with 'urgency' and 'ambition' for Africa ahead of the grand summit in Paris on 17-18 May ultimately produced no new continent-wide commitments on... READ FOR FREE
DISPATCHES Vol 62 No 11 | AFRICAHEALTHCOVID-19 Pressure mounts on rich countries and big pharma to act on global vaccine inequity 21st May 2021 Differences between Western states on patents and exports are likely to persist after Rome summit Accusations of 'vaccine apartheid', voiced by South Africa and Kenya in recent months, and repeated again earlier this week by World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus,... READ FOR FREE
DISPATCHES Vol 62 No 10 | FRANCEEUROPEAN UNIONAFRICA Hopes for new initiatives on debt and finance at Africa summit hosted by Paris 18th May 2021 First in-person conference on the pandemic's economic effects on the continent draws wide turnout By bringing together 20 African presidents with IMF, World Bank and EU chiefs in Paris on 17-18 May, France's President Emmanuel Macron's declared aim was to launch a... READ FOR FREE
Vol 62 No 10 | AFRICAHEALTHCOVID-19 Fatigue may be fatal 13th May 2021 Africa's health ministers watch with alarm the disastrous fatality rate as the second wave of the virus rips across India The Covid-19 experience in Africa has been something of a rollercoaster ride. Early predictions were calamitous, then it seemed to pass ominously mildly (unless you were in South...
Vol 62 No 10 | FRANCEAFRICA Emmanuel l'Africain II 13th May 2021 With two upcoming summits, President Macron is trying once more to reset his country’s relationship with Africa If President Emmanuel Macron needed a reminder of his country's reputation in Africa it came with the fury on the streets of Ndjamena to his ill-phrased remarks at...
DISPATCHES Vol 62 No 10 | AFRICAHEALTH Health chiefs salute progress in lifting patents on Covid-19 vaccines but say India's crisis shows risks to Africa 10th May 2021 US backing for intellectual property waivers on vaccines triggers spat with European Union over distribution and equity The United States support for a lifting of patents on Covid-19 vaccines in coming negotiations at the World Trade Organization is a big win for African campaigners and... READ FOR FREE
Vol 62 No 9 | ECONOMYAFRICA Forecasts fail to lift the gloom 29th April 2021 Growth predictions have risen, but Covid-19 will have a devastating impact on Africa's economy, health and education The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank upped their forecasts for sub-Saharan Africa's growth at their 2021 Spring Meetings, but the economic impact from Covid-19 is still...
Vol 62 No 9 | UNITED STATESAFRICA No more picking winners 29th April 2021 'No special favours' for individual countries but, instead, 'broad engagement' with Africa was the message from Robert Godec, the United States African Affairs Acting Assistant Secretary, ahead of...
DISPATCHES Vol 62 No 9 | UNITED STATESAFRICACLIMATE CHANGE Emission targets, climate finance and ecological trade-offs led the agenda at Washington summit 28th April 2021 Africa's involvement is key to making a success of the latest wave of green tax, finance and technology initiatives United States President Joe Biden's virtual climate summit on 22-23 April, in which he pledged to cut US fossil fuel emissions by up to 52% of 2005 levels... READ FOR FREE