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International Monetary Fund


news by category: International Monetary Fund

Found 64 articles.

Displaying 61-64 out of 64 results.

Devastating debts

Arguments among rich countries are slowing progress on cutting Africa's debts

Africa’s hopes for more debt relief are caught between rich countries squabbling over who is to pay for the debt cuts and an increasingly militant international campaign to...

Revised downwards

The International Monetary Fund’s World Economic Outlook projects African gross domestic product growth at 3.7 per cent this year, compared to its earlier forecast of 4.8 per cent....

Asian tigers, African lions

African finance ministers are looking more carefully at Asia's economic models, mired in currency and environmental crises

African finance ministers making the pilgrimage to Hong Kong for the annual meetings of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank (23-25 September) were treated to a...

Displaying 61-64 out of 64 results.