Vol 54 No 21 | WORLD BANKINTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND Physician heal thyself 17th October 2013 As they lose their primacy in development and finance, the Bank and Fund are searching for new roles – such as fighting inequality and climate change Reform and reorganisation are under way at the World Bank and International Monetary Fund as developing countries demand better policies to promote growth and a bigger stake –...
Vol 53 No 21 | WORLD BANKINTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND Bankers of the world unite 19th October 2012 Africa cannot avoid current global financial uncertainties but its higher growth is bringing in bankers bearing cheaper loans and Asian investors Frustration and disarray among policy-makers on the Eurozone recession and fears of a slowdown in Asian growth dominated the Annual Meetings of the International Monetary Fund and World...
Vol 53 No 21 | EGYPTINTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND IMF finance for Mursi's new order 19th October 2012 The planned US$4.8 billion International Monetary Fund loan for Egypt could be concluded within the next two month. And other foreign financing is on its way, say...
Vol 53 No 9 | WORLD BANKINTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND Africa's run at the Bank 27th April 2012 Incoming President of the World Bank Jim Yong Kim has two bulky Africa dossiers in his in-tray after seeing off – thanks to solid backing from the United...
Vol 5 (AAC) No 3 | CHINAINTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUNDAFRICA How the IMF helps Chinese companies 18th January 2012 Beijing’s cooperation with the International Monetary Fund often goes unnoticed. China has been quietly working with the IMF to pressure African governments to remove fuel subsidies, after its...
Vol 51 No 21 | WORLD BANKINTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUNDAFRICA As power shifts eastwards, Africa boosts its stake 22nd October 2010 The new seat for Africa on the World Bank's board is a step forward - gaining more clout at the IMF is the next challenge Africa has won its first big victory in the ongoing reform of the international financial institutions in Washington by securing a third seat on the Executive Board of...
Vol 51 No 21 | WORLD BANKINTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUNDAFRICA Caught in the currency battles 22nd October 2010 The main protagonists in the current currency skirmishes are the United States and China but developing economies are caught in the crossfire as governments talk of competitive devaluation...
Vol 50 No 21 | WORLD BANKINTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUNDAFRICA A year after the crash 23rd October 2009 Facing stubbornly high food prices, rising joblessness and investment cutbacks, Africa is lagging behind the economic recovery in Asia A faint self-congratulatory whiff of a 'great depression averted' wafted through the annual meetings of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank in Istanbul, Turkey, on 4-5 October....
Vol 50 No 21 | WORLD BANKINTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND The great World Bank capital chase 23rd October 2009 This year, the World Bank group lent a record US$59 billion, a 54% increase over last year. In Africa, the Bank increased its new commitments by 45% over...
Vol 50 No 9 | WORLD BANKINTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND Harder cash but warmer words 1st May 2009 As befits an institution that has just been voted a trillion dollar boost to its capital resources, the International Monetary Fund busily dispensed loans and policy advice at its spring meeting on 24-25 April in Washington. It was the International Monetary Fund’s show in Washington. International finance ministers agreed to proposals to reshape the Fund, widen its mission and speed up plans to give...