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International Monetary Fund


news by category: International Monetary Fund

Found 64 articles.

Displaying 21-30 out of 64 results.

The money-sharing puzzle

The Fund prepares to hand out huge sums to its members, but an outdated formula means it may fail to kick-start economies

United States Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen stalled a G20 plan for the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to issue hundreds of millions of dollars in Special Drawing Rights (SDR),...

Austerity first

The Finance Minister’s IMF-backed reforms will impose harsher cuts while aiming to end subsidies for elite farmers

Agricultural subsidy reforms that reach to the heart of Zimbabwe African National Union – Patriotic Front's (ZANU-PF) patronage structure – which underpins the regime – have been negotiated...


Fear in the franc zone

Many of the six members of the French-supported economic area are in dire straits. IMF concern is growing

While the multimillionaire leaders of some of Africa's most wasteful regimes plead poverty following the drop in commodity prices, especially oil, the International Monetary Fund is scrambling to...

Diversification or bust

The Bretton Woods Institutions warn that it's no good waiting for another commodity boom

Governments and companies in Africa should not expect an early recovery of their commodity exports to boost flagging trade, says Albert Zeufack, the World Bank's Chief Economist for...

The people's IMF

Mozambique, Zambia and Zimbabwe are in negotiations for hefty International Monetary Fund programmes to shore up their leaky state finances. All eyes are on the conditions that the...

Africa’s growth plans face stronger headwinds

In a much harsher international climate, Africa’s economic managers are promoting regional trade and boosting investment in power and transport

Bankers hosting parties for their government friends were a little more discreet than usual – perhaps in deference to rising political and economic uncertainties – at the annual...

Displaying 21-30 out of 64 results.