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Displaying 851-860 out of 2695 results.

Polls fail to relieve tension

The country’s longest-serving Prime Minister returns to office with chronic political instability little changed by the elections

King Letsie III opened Lesotho's ninth Parliament on 11 March and the 120 MPs then elected Ntloi Motsamai as Speaker. The ceremonies were the only uncontentious aspect of...

No-fly zone for legal eagles

The presidency is working to remove police and prosecutors who refuse to suspend actions against highly influential people

The decline in independence of South Africa's top criminal justice institutions is accelerating as President Jacob Zuma redoubles his efforts to immunise himself and his entourage from prosecution...

The mighty fall

ZANU-PF’s purge of the Mujuru faction is far from complete and the succession no clearer as Mugabe turns 91

Having removed Joice Mujuru from the leadership of the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front, the party seems unable to decide what to do next. Mujuru enjoyed strong popular...

A rowdy state of the nation

President Zuma's vision of the road ahead failed to ignite passion. Only the chaos that descended on Parliament stood out

Despite fist fights and forcible expulsions from the chamber of the National Assembly, African National Congress officials insisted President Jacob Zuma's State of the Nation Address on 12...

Narrow win stretches nerves

The new President’s thin mandate leaves the internal faction-fighting little changed as he picks his cabinet

President Edgar Lungu's exceptionally slim win on a disastrously low turnout in the 20 January presidential by-election leaves him weak and the governing Patriotic Front still badly split....

Oil fuels Luanda panic

The crash in the price of crude oil may not have worked through the economy yet but it has already trashed all spending plans

'Angola has seen nothing yet,' is a common comment in Luanda business circles about the impact of the oil price crash on the country. The government is seeking...

Hery hangs on

The new President is a prisoner of the past. His predecessors are still immensely influential and want to shape the present

An alliance between former President Marc Ravalomanana and the current President, Hery Rajaonarimampianina, is gathering momentum as church leaders nudge Madagascar's political leaders down the path of national...

Plugging the gaps

With the resumption of international support for the national budget still a distant prospect, President Peter Mutharika's government is having to be inventive in seeking ways of plugging...

Displaying 851-860 out of 2695 results.