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Displaying 821-830 out of 2695 results.

The ones that got away

Astonishment still governs most responses to the details of how the Empresa Moçambicana de Atum was supposed to make money. Originally, the then Finance Minister, Manuel Chang, said...

No end to Banda’s odyssey

She says she can’t return because it’s not safe but many believe the ex-President fears arrest over the Cashgate scandal

Former President Joyce Banda has claimed that the government is arranging a 'mysterious accident' that will cost her her life and that's why she won't come back to...

Too many cooks spoil the books

Malawi's reputation for the plunder of public funds has grown with the publication of another damning audit of government expenditure. After leaks to the media, the government was...

The soldiers return

Fear and tension have returned after the former Commander of the Lesotho Defence Force, Lieutenant General Maaparankoe Mahao, was shot dead on the outskirts of Maseru on 25...

Petrol projects trouble

PetroSA is the latest state-owned giant to suffer labour and financial problems, with managers first in the firing line

The Board of the state-owned Petroleum, Oil and Gas Corporation of South Africa has suspended two senior executives three weeks after the government demanded they go on gardening...

Save the children

New visa regulations for children travelling to South Africa have been criticised as 'economic sabotage' by the South African Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Tourism contributes 9% to...

Facing sanctions

Momentum is building in Europe for sanctions over human rights abuses in Swaziland. European Union member states voted on 21 May for a resolution urging their leaders to...

Impeaching number one

Accident prone President Rajaonarimampianina’s problems may see ex-President Ravolamanana return to centre-stage

Eighteen months of political quarrels came to a head when Parliament voted on 26 May to impeach President Hery Rajaonarimampianina. Since he took office in January 2014, he...

How far to push Guebuza

Probes into the outgoing government's spending target Guebuza's allies and raise questions about the IMF’s standards of scrutiny

Factions within the governing Frente de Libertação de Moçambique differ on how far to take the investigations into the previous government's murky deals. Some want former President Armando...

Displaying 821-830 out of 2695 results.