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Displaying 811-820 out of 2695 results.

Hage heads off land protests

President Hage Geingob has defused urban land protests which threatened to erupt into mass occupations at the end of July. This follows an unprecedented declaration of his and...

Passing and wielding the baton

The President's penchant for travel has not relieved any political pressure or distracted protestors from economic woes

Today, President Robert Mugabe hands over the Southern African Development Community chair to Botswana's President Seretse Khama Ian Khama, and next month he ends his year-long stint chairing...

Cracks in the ANC monolith

The alliance between ANC, communists and labour is weakening. Anti-Zuma factions seem to be carrying all before them

Eight unions in the Congress of South African Trade Unions are raising funds abroad to start a new labour-based political party and a new union federation. They want...

Public sectarians

State-owned enterprises are in disarray as political appointees and managers clash. Much of it is to do with the ANC

Left and right on the Rand

The South African Competition Commission’s investigation of alleged bank manipulation of foreign exchange dealing is dividing government economic departments, Africa Confidential understands.

No offence, honestly

A journalist and an academic face trial on 31 August for an offence which no longer exists.

Fifteen on file

What lies behind last month’s arrest of 15 young Angolans charged with plotting regime change and threatening public order?

Seeing red on Zuma

The supporters of President Jacob Zuma in the South African Communist Party leadership have narrowly averted a split with the governing African National Congress.

Ruling and unruly parties

The factions in ZANU-PF are providing most of the interest in September’s bye-elections, as the opposition continues to implode

Splits in the ruling party keep on growing as its factions thrive, even though President Robert Mugabe supposedly banned them.

The fishing deal got fishier

Politicians, generals and bankers are in the frame as more details emerge of the country’s worst-ever corruption scandal and new debt mountain

At vast public expense, the government is set to rescue the controversial state tuna-fishing company, Empresa Moçambicana de Atum (Ematum), from imminent collapse. On 18 June, Finance Minister...

Displaying 811-820 out of 2695 results.