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Displaying 801-810 out of 2695 results.

Luanda seeks Eurobond lifeline

Plans to raise up to $1.5 billion from a bond issue are being revived in the hope of making up the drastic shortfall in government revenue

The government's top finance officials are set to launch an international roadshow to promote its long-delayed and much-anticipated first Eurobond issue, at US$1.5 billion, Africa Confidential has learned....

End of ZANU-PF economics

The clearest sign that planning for the post-Mugabe era is under way is the open discussion of abandoning some of his most cherished policies

Zimbabwe is gearing up to introduce major economic changes to facilitate reconciliation with the International Monetary Fund, say sources in the Zimbabwe African National Union- Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF)....

In league with Zuma

The President’s supporters consolidate their grip on the party by securing the leadership of its Youth League

The election of a relatively unknown North-West provincial leader of the African National Congress Youth League as National President of ANCYL has again highlighted the growing influence of...

Small fish chase big fish

With the sentencing of the principal defendant, the Cashgate saga has taken a new turn

The strategy of arresting and trying those seen as 'small fish' in the Cashgate scandal was deliberate, as they would name the 'bigger fish', a senior official in...

The party rebrands for the polls

President Lungu wants to purge his party of its association with his predecessor but the plunging economy offers far bigger challenges

Under the growing influence of former President Rupiah Banda, President Edgar Lungu is turning the governing Patriotic Front away from the left-leaning legacy of the late Michael Sata....

Opposition watches and waits

Factionalism is causing ZANU-PF serious by-election jitters, even though it is standing unopposed. The opposition is biding its time for 2018

The parties opposing the Zimbabwe African National Union–Patriotic Front have limited resources they are unwilling to waste on this month's three by-elections. They have now decided to keep...

Dash for gas cash

Welcome changes in oil and gas governance are coming, but a new group of rent-seekers is also on the road

Changes at the top of state petroleum company Empresa Nacional de Hidrocarbonetos (ENH) and the industry regulator, Instituto Nacional de Petróleo (INP), mark a further step in President...

The woman most likely…

The plan that a woman should be the ANC's next leader is gaining in popularity. But it's also an ingenious tactical ploy by Zuma

Cyril Ramaphosa's campaign to succeed President Jacob Zuma suffered a massive blow when the African National Congress Women's League declared that a woman should be the party's next...

The 'Grace plot' thickens

The First Lady’s rivals are airing suspicions of a master plan to make her leader of the party and then, of the country

President Robert Mugabe has assembled a cabal to ensure that his wife Grace succeeds him as head of state, senior government and ruling party sources linked to Vice-President...

Displaying 801-810 out of 2695 results.