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Displaying 781-790 out of 2695 results.

Jacob Zuma's costly week

The President kicked a hornets' nest when he sacked his Finance Minister. The ensuing crisis hit his authority and the economy

The impromptu alliance of African National Congress leaders and business interests which forced President Jacob Zuma to rethink his unilateral decision to sack Finance Minister Nhlanhla Nene and...


Dissent dogs DA leadership

Lindiwe Mazibuko's political comeback has come to a sudden stop. Some feel ex-leader Helen Zille retains too much power behind the scenes

Once upon a time, Lindiwe Mazibuko was the golden girl of opposition politics: she was articulate, respected and quoted in the media every day. She was the youngest...

EFF's economic roadshow

As Malema's following grows, a dialogue has begun with investors worried by talk of nationalisation and price controls

Foreign direct investment is vital to the South African economy and the only confident prediction is that there will be deep change. As Julius Malema's Economic Freedom Fighters...

Lungu hangs on

President Edgar Lungu told the International Monetary Fund delegation which left Lusaka on 3 December that he intended to call general elections well before they are due next...

Luanda rewards its own

Many of the contracts from the latest onshore bidding round have gone to secretive companies linked to top party and presidency officials

The ten oil exploration blocks which were tendered in Angola's first-ever onshore bidding round were never, in today's weak price environment, going to attract major interest, especially from...

Nyusi's nightmare

The new President is still struggling for mastery of the state, while a legacy of chronic corruption hangs over the latest IMF deal

As the austere consequences of an International Monetary Fund emergency loan sink into public consciousness, Filipe Nyusi is still struggling to gain the control that election as President...

Cyril looks to his heartland

Everything seemed to be going the President’s way in the succession battle but then his deputy rallied his troops

Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa's prospects of succeeding President Jacob Zuma in 2019 – in steep decline recently – changed for the better last week with his endorsement by...

Pepsi's political partner

The drinks company's lucky new 'indigenisation' partner just happens to be married to Robert Mugabe's niece

PepsiCo Incorporated has appointed Adam Molai, a businessman married to President Robert Mugabe's niece, Sandra Molai, as its partner for a new bottling plant in Zimbabwe, Africa Confidential...

Hage's big tent

An overwhelming victory in the 27 November regional and local elections sees the SWAPO Party ever more dominant. Winning over new voters from outside its traditional Oshivambo power...

PF scrambles for support

As the copper price goes into free fall, the crisis in the governing party grows ever more severe

The latest rupture in the front ranks of the Patriotic Front came when former presidential aspirant Miles Sampa resigned as Deputy Commerce Minister at the end of October....

Displaying 781-790 out of 2695 results.