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No place to hide

The once popular Jacob Zuma finds his room for manoeuvre ever more restricted as both supporters and enemies box him in

Humiliatingly shunned by both the powerful business community and the forces of labour and the left, President Jacob Zuma is on the defensive as never before. He has...

Displaying 671-680 out of 2695 results.

Spat with FQM continues

One of the biggest mining companies wants assurance its directors won't be arrested when they arrive to attend board meetings

The British-based mining company First Quantum Minerals Limited has written to the Attorney General to seek assurances that none of the directors of Kansanshi Mining PLC, which FQM...

To sue or to schmooze

Ministers are torn between demanding cash from a mining giant accused of fraud and maintaining a cosy relationship

The move by Zambia's largely government-owned mining investment company to sue First Quantum Minerals for fraud has put its chief executive officer Pius Kasolo at loggerheads with figures...

Mr Gigabyte's baptism of fire

The new Finance Minister swings through New York and Washington trying to give an impression of business as usual

South Africa's fourth Finance Minister in two years, Malusi Gigaba, encountered bemusement and indifference when he visited the United States last week for the International Monetary Fund and...

A meandering audit trail

The much-anticipated report on the secret loans is due out amid doubts about how much it will – or can – reveal 

Expectations and tension were building as the 28 April deadline for the delivery of the risk advisory firm Kroll's report on secret security state loans approached. Attorney General...

Corruption climate warming

A cabinet reshuffle is intended to restore the government's image but Hery has an uphill task before the coming election

President Hery Rajaonarimampianina is desperately trying to regain the political initiative after taking heavy blows to his government's reputation after it allowed a controversial presidential advisor to leave...

Zuma's edifice starts to wobble

After denouncing the sacking of Gordhan, oppositionists and ANC dissidents hit the streets. Then it's over to parliament

Pro-democracy forces brought tens of thousands of protestors into South Africa's streets last week following President Jacob Zuma's ousting of Pravin Gordhan from the Finance Ministry and his...


Gigaba raises sights still higher

Amid ANC rivalries for the succession, the new Finance Minister believes he could get the top job

The controversial Malusi Gigaba, the former Home Affairs Minister now elevated to the Finance Ministry, has been proposed by influential sections of the African National Congress as a...

Displaying 671-680 out of 2695 results.