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Displaying 351-360 out of 2695 results.

Mnangagwa digs in

The President is entrenching himself while the opposition battles state repression and its own divisions

President Emmerson Mnangagwa's regime looks secure, in spite of what is widely viewed as Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front's complete political bankruptcy and the persistence of a deep-seated...

Election-mania takes hold

All the government’s energies are focused on winning the 12 August poll as it tries to ignore an economy in freefall

Aware that it looked odd that it did not have a plan to restore the nation’s economic fortunes, the government quickly rushed out its Economic Recovery Programme on...

Nyusi running out of road

The region is furious with Nyusi for failing to counter the northern insurgency as his position in both state and party weakens

The chief concern of President Filipe Nyusi in the year ahead is the same that will take up most of the rest of his final term of office...

Ace shuffles the deck again

The balance in the ANC’s factional war has turned decisively in the President’s favour, leaving the Secretary-General few options

President Cyril Ramaphosa has scored in the ongoing battle against the faction bent on unseating him with this week's decision by the African National Congress's Integrity Commission that...

The state’s parallel economy

The finance minister forecasts a turnaround but the central bank’s illicit borrowing could trigger another monetary meltdown

Despite the pandemic and global recession, Finance Minister Mthuli Ncube is predicting a strong economic bounce-back next year – but he is silent about a phenomenal borrowing spree...

Two days that changed nothing

Zambia's chances of a bailout from the International Monetary Fund following its default on its Eurobond coupon payments are looking bleak, in spite of conciliatory words from a...

SWAPO swept away

The electorate dealt a stunning blow to the ruling SWAPO Party in the 25 November municipal elections, costing it its majority in four of the country's 14 regions....

Creditors fume as the beat goes on

After the default, the bondholders and Chinese creditors are jostling for priority but secrecy and local politics are blocking a credible solution

National politics and geopolitics are set to scupper any attempts to resolve the crisis over Zambia's more than US$12 billion foreign debt. There is little sign that President...

Ace arrest boosts Cyril

The pro-Zuma ANC leader is standing his ground in the face of corruption charges, but his position weakens as pressure mounts

The 10 November arrest of the second most powerful politician in the ruling African National Congress on charges of corruption, following more than 100 graft-related arrests in recent...

Displaying 351-360 out of 2695 results.