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Displaying 2691-2694 out of 2694 results.

Bugging the buggers

Mysterious deaths and tapped telephones raise questions about the security services

Who bugged the telephones of South Africa's top policemen, and why? Some of the country's security operatives want to find out, others to keep it quiet. National Police...

Chimwenje or chimera?

A group of armed dissidents in the Manica region offer a helpful diversion to Harare

Reports that armed Zimbabwean dissidents are operating in Mozambique are being taken seriously by the authorities in Harare and Maputo. Both governments seems to lack reliable information about...

Oily enclave

The MPLA government hopes to sort out Cabinda's future by the year 2000. Perhaps

Worried that instability in Cabinda could divert resources from its confrontation and negotiations with Jonas Savimbi's rebels, the Luanda government has spent several months trying to make diplomatic...

The military has a good war

It is becoming clear that far from having lost out in the transition to majority rule the military establishment has benefited from it. The senior ranks are at...

Displaying 2691-2694 out of 2694 results.