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Displaying 2571-2580 out of 2694 results.

Seeking spies

A year before 1999's general elections, the spectre of some senior African National Congress officials being publicly named as having spied for the National Party regime haunts the...

Pain in the neck

The Secretary General of the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions, Morgan Tsvangirai, has been a pain in the government's neck for the past six months.Two fresh victories should...

Counting allies

President Mugabe's toughest opponents are not politicians but they know about politics

When January's riots followed December's peaceful demonstrations, Zimbabweans started to say that President Robert Mugabe was finished. He came through, not because anything had changed but because no...

Oil-rich, and poor

Luanda's fabulous petroleum prospects are doing little to help the devastated economy

Angola is Africa's hottest oil territory. International oil companies line up for exploration and exploitation rights; within a decade, production may match Nigeria's staggering two million barrels a...

Talking drums

Everyone's time and patience is running out - the government's, UNITA's - and the UN's

At first glance, Angola looks on the brink of peace again. Jonas Savimbi'sUnião para a Independência Total de Angola has formally disarmed; it has handed back to state...

Short leash

Zambia's Consultative Group meeting ended on a note of compromise in Paris on 13 May. There were aid pledges for 1998 of US$530 million but with increased demands...

New sparring partners

Political alliances - with and against the dominant ANC - are reshaping the landscape ahead of next year's elections

Already the parties are taking off their gloves ahead of the general elections scheduled for mid-1999. It's likely to be a bruising contest. Racial abuse is back in...

Polling problems

Next year's elections must be held within 90 days of 27 April, the date of the 1994 elections. Time is running against Justice Johan Kriegler, Chairman of the...


The likeliest beneficiary of Zambia's copper privatisation fiasco is the company the Zambians were anxious to keep out - Anglo American, the South African mining giant. After years...

Southern rivals

Economic and military competition is growing between Windhoek and Gaborone

That some Namibian government loyalists are still bristling in the wake of President Bill Clinton's visit to Botswana shows the depth of animosity between these two Southern African...

Displaying 2571-2580 out of 2694 results.