Vol 39 No 16 | ANGOLA War drums sounding 7th August 1998 UN special envoy Lakhdar Brahimi's meetings with Dos Santos and Savimbi may be the last hope to rescue the peace accord Jonas Savimbi is on the presidential campaign trail again. He has ordered his troops into a series of carefully orchestrated hit-and-run attacks against government positions in twelve of...
Vol 39 No 16 | ANGOLA Angola looks east 7th August 1998 Zambia has decades of experience of the Angolan war (AC Vol 39 No 10). It hosts the oldest continuous refugee camp in Africa, Muykwayukwa, opened in 1966 for...
Vol 39 No 16 | ZIMBABWE Questions of succession 7th August 1998 Replacing veteran Vice-President Joshua Nkomo has opened new political divisions Zimbabwe has two vice-presidents, Joshua Nkomo and Simon Muzenda, but people may have forgotten that Nkomo still exists. He does not appear in public; President Robert Mugabe continues...
Vol 39 No 15 | SOUTH AFRICA What crime costs 24th July 1998 Armed robbers are becoming the most potent threat to political and economic stability Crime and a lack of confidence in the South African Police Service are, after unemployment, the government's biggest political problems. It was never going to be easy for...
Vol 39 No 15 | ZAMBIA The China re-connection 24th July 1998 President Chiluba is contemplating a third term as he opens the door to Beijing The government puts a brave face on it but the economy is still in a mess and May's Consultative Group meeting in France (AC Vol 39 No 10)...
Vol 39 No 15 | ZIMBABWE IMF insiders 24th July 1998 Business people cannot understand what the International Monetary Fund is up to. It keeps on lending to the Zimbabwe government which, on the published figures, is heading for...
Vol 39 No 14 | ANGOLA Mortgaged future 10th July 1998 A new deal with Swiss oil trader Glencore has mortgaged virtually the last barrel of the government’s own oil allocation in exchange for up-front payments of some US$900...
Vol 39 No 13 | NAMIBIA More gems 26th June 1998 Namibian mining companies owned by Branch Energy, of which Sandline International Chairman Anthony Buckingham is Chief Executive, are seeking to evict small-scale miners from the Neu Schwaben tourmaline...
Vol 39 No 12 | ANGOLA Protection 12th June 1998 Would-be leaders are preparing the ground: they include Chief of Staff João de Matos, Premier Fernando França van Dúnem and Washington Ambassador António Santos França 'Ndalu'. All want...
Vol 39 No 12 | ZIMBABWE Mortgaged 12th June 1998 The land conference on 24-25 June could turn into a fiasco, some insiders predict. White commercial farmers, the biggest losers if the government confiscates their land without compensation,...