Vol 40 No 3 | ANGOLA The President's men 5th February 1999 A new cabinet is formed to tackle the war against UNITA and the collapsing economy Two main imperatives drove the formation of President José Eduardo dos Santos' war cabinet, announced on 30 January: the need to find scapegoats for Angola's appalling economic and...
Vol 40 No 3 | LIBERIASOUTH AFRICA Frequent flyers 5th February 1999 The frequent visits of convicted fraudster Nico Shefer and Fred Rundle, former Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging spokesman, to President Charles Taylor in Monrovia have attracted the attention of officials monitoring...
Vol 40 No 3 | ZAMBIA Copper crunch 5th February 1999 The timing could hardly have been worse. As the world price of copper plummets, the Zambian government has at last moved decisively towards selling off its one big...
Vol 40 No 1 | NAMIBIA Out on a limb 8th January 1999 Remote Caprivi is the route to Zambia and Zimbabwe and secessionism is growing Remote Caprivi is the route to Zambia and Zimbabwe and secessionism is growing The first real test of post-Independence national unity looms with the emergence of a secessionist...
Vol 40 No 1 | NAMIBIA Small but strategic 8th January 1999 The Caprivi Zipfel (Strip) is a 500-kilometre-long finger of land which connects north-eastern Namibia to Botswana, Zambia and Zimbabwe. It is named after a German Chancellor, General Count...
Vol 39 No 25 | BOTSWANA Khama country, again 18th December 1998 The ruling duo of Mogae and Khama is consolidating ahead of next year's elections When President Festus Mogae took office in April on Sir Quett Ketumile Masire's resignation, he proclaimed his government's commitment to human rights. Yet this seems to bypass the...
Vol 39 No 25 | ANGOLA David and Goliath 18th December 1998 Even as it suffers military setbacks in Congo- Kinshasa and Congo-Brazzaville and back home in the central highlands, the Movimento Popular de Libertação de Angola is pressing ahead...
Vol 39 No 24 | ZIMBABWE Fighting rebels at home and abroad 4th December 1998 After shopping for arms in Cairo and Christmas presents in London, President Mugabe faces a harsh homecoming Created in 1980 from two of Africa’s most effective guerrilla forces, Zimbabwe’s national army is struggling in Congo-Kinshasa. Zimbabwean troops have tried five times to retake the strategic south-eastern...
Vol 39 No 24 | ZIMBABWE First the provinces, then the presidency 4th December 1998 Factionalism is alive and well in ZANU-PF ahead of its national conference in Gweru on 9-12 December. The internecine disputes played out in the provincial party elections...
Vol 39 No 24 | BOTSWANA Best friends 4th December 1998 The world's largest diamond producer by value stands ready to see off rivals as world recession slashes gemstone demand, especially from east Asia. The Debswana Mining Company, which...