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Displaying 2501-2510 out of 2694 results.

Not for turning

Trades unionists and Communists try to roll back the free market bandwagon

South Africa's trades unions chose to confront the country's new President, Thabo Mbeki, just after his inauguration and before he'd had time to find his feet (AC Vol...

Old unions, new ANC

The public servants' challenge to President Thabo Mbeki's government involves over twelve unions with 800,000 members from all races and all shades of political opinion. Three constituent...

A hammer to a nut

Caprivian rebels and the government both wield weapons to disturb the peace

The Namibian government reacted with a heavy hand in early August when Caprivian secessionists mounted an armed raid on the region's capital, Katima Mulilo. The Caprivi Strip...

On the fringe of a war

Mishake Muyongo leapt out of the obscurity of his Danish exile on 2 August when Caprivian separatists attacked Katima Mulilo. He says the raid on Caprivi's capital...

U-turns, screw turns

The ruling party dreams the IMF could help it win the next election

The latest international plan for turning Zimbabwe's economy around looks sound, in narrow economic terms. In narrow political terms, though, it ignores reality, including next year's parliamentary...

Savimbi's splitters

Divisions among supporters and tougher sanctions cause problems for UNITA's leader

Government forces have launched a new offensive on the rebel bases at Andulo and Bailundo. They may be pushing at an open door. We hear that Jonas Savimbi...

A hard act to follow

The post-Nkomo era promises a major shake-up in Matabeleland and beyond

For a few days, the death of Joshua Mqabuko Nyongolo Nkomo united Zimbabweans. He was 82, a towering figure since the 1950s, when he returned from college in...

Mbeki the mystery

The new cabinet reveals little about the new President's political style

Now centre-stage as President, Thabo Mbeki still keeps South Africans guessing. His patchwork cabinet is dominated by ministers who served Nelson Mandela, and expanded to 29 from 26...

Powers behind the throne

Much more striking than the cabinet reshuffle are the big structural changes in government under President Thabo Mbeki. His office denies that he is creating an 'imperial presidency'...

Close shave

After narrowly winning a second term, President Muluzi faces tough opponents

Close-run and bad-tempered, Malawi's 15 June elections have sparked off several street confrontations and plenty of litigation. However, President Bakili Muluzi looks set to ride the storm, helped...

Displaying 2501-2510 out of 2694 results.