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Displaying 2441-2450 out of 2694 results.

Multi-party Mugabe

The President has appointed some capable reformers but will he let them do the job?

Real multi-party politics started raucously in Harare's parliament on 18 July, with both sides breaking into song after the election of former Justice Minister Emmerson Mnangagwa as Speaker...

Talking left, acting right

Social democracy and free market economics are eating into the ruling party's identity

The African National Congress has emerged from its national general council, held in the coastal city of Port Elizabeth on 11-15 July, looking more like the Western-style social...

Cash yes, reform?

Promises of dollops of money at the Consultative Group meeting in Lusaka on 16-18 July (AC Vol 41 No 14) dispelled fears that Finance Minister Katele Kalumba was...

ZANU-PF's Pyrrhic victory

At a cost of 30 lives and the forced removal of more then 6,000 farmworkers, the ruling party has scraped home

Another eighteen months of economic stagnation and high-tension politics lie ahead after the ruling Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front squeaked to victory in the 24-25 June parliamentary elections....

From the other side

Zimbabwe now has a multi-party political system. ZANU-PF will have to struggle to get more controversial bills through, as about 15 dissidents among the new crop of ZANU-PF...

The bigger the better

The government prefers efficient farmers to contented peasants

Zimbabwe's land rows have touched a sore nerve in South Africa, where land hunger is a lively, if partly suppressed, political issue and where white people still dominate...

Too dry for crops

Redistribution sounds like a good idea until you look at the land itself

Namibia's 4,000 white farmers have been shocked by the farm occupations in Zimbabwe. The farmers, mostly of Afrikaner or German ancestry, had felt safe under the government's policy...

Cautious in Malawi

Good land is scarce in Malawi and the best of it is occupied by settlers (often of South African origin) who produce the grain and the exports of...

The race to succeed

Since President Chiluba promised to go, the race to follow him is on - covertly

The knives are out as the ruling Movement for Multi-party Democracy, bereft of a natural successor to President Frederick Chiluba, begins its pre-election finagling. Chiluba could yet cancel...

Clean up for donors

Lusaka is buzzing with preparations for a crucial meeting of the Consultative Group of donors in the city on 16-19 July. The government is hoping for US$605 million...

Displaying 2441-2450 out of 2694 results.