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Displaying 2381-2390 out of 2694 results.

The hand of Lucifer

Three sudden deaths transform the political scene and President Mugabe's election campaign

To lose one lieutenant may be regarded as a misfortune, to lose two looks like carelessness, to lose three could spark a political crisis. Whether or not President...

The military-financial complex

Zimbabwe's soldiers will not soon pull out of Congo-Kinshasa. Their commanders are committed to President Robert Mugabe's government through a web of business ventures there. The links run...

Who blinks first?

Government and UNITA rebels edge reluctantly towards a ceasefire and new negotiations in one of Africa's longest-running wars

Rebel leader Jonas Savimbi has a cruel sense of timing. For 18 months, he has been calling on the ruling Movimento Popular de Libertação de Angola to start...

Lev Leviev takes on De Beers

De Beers announced on 24 May that it was suspending its investment and prospection in Angola's diamond business. That is a triumph for Lev Leviev, whose diamond interests...

Political eclipse

The 'Red Admiral', sure of re-election, has a vision of the future

Anxious to show he cares about his people's welfare, President Didier Ratsiraka is worrying about the solar eclipse due in southern Africa on 21 June. He recently inaugurated...

After Sam, maybe

The founder of the third-term movement may just try for a fourth

It is three years until Namibians must elect their next president, but already there is confusion about President Sam Nujoma's retirement. He pioneered Africa's 'third-term movement' (applicants: Presidents...


President Frederick Chiluba has sworn that he will not after all seek the unconstitutional third term that he worked so hard to win. On 8 May he reaffirmed:...

The plots thicken

Allegations of conspiracies against Mbeki are widening ANC divisions

The Minister of Safety and Security, Steve Tshwete, is not known for political finesse. Nevertheless, he had to be taken seriously when he announced that the police would...

Talking to Jonas

The government may be getting ready to talk to its arch-enemy, Jonas Savimbi of the União Nacional para a Independência Total de Angola. The new parliamentary commission of...

More of Mugabe

The President's insistence that he will fight the next election surprises few and worries almost everyone

The President's indecision is final. President Robert Mugabe's announcement on 17 April that he will contest the next presidential election as his party's flagbearer has resolved nothing (AC...

Displaying 2381-2390 out of 2694 results.