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Displaying 2201-2210 out of 2694 results.

Presidential prosecutions

Busy days for judges as the President struggles to lock up his predecessor

The two main suspects in President Levy Mwanawasa's anti-corruption campaign have gone missing. Former intelligence chief Xavier Chungu and former Ambassador Attan Shansonga have left the country, frustrating...

Closer and closer

The election for the ruling party's leadership looks increasingly tight

Foreign Minister Hidipo Hamutenya remains the front-runner in an increasingly close and bitter contest to choose the next leader of the governing South West Africa People's Organisation (SWAPO)....

Dirty water

Lesotho has scored a rare but convincing victory against corruption. The Maseru courts convicted three multinationals of bribing to secure contracts in the giant Highlands Water Project and...

Bingu the favourite

Opposition splits, not political merit, will help the UDF win the presidency –again

By most measures, the governing United Democratic Front (UDF)have little hope of winning the national elections on 18 May. President Bakili Muluzi's UDF government has presided over worsening...

Disappearing food

The government may turn away foreign food aid as part of its ruthless election strategy

An internal United Nations' memorandum describes Zimbabwe's latest crop projections as 'complete nonsense' and 'quite impossible.' That's no surprise. Fanciful agricultural forecasts are common in Agriculture Minister Joseph...

Locking up the Minister

Finance Minister Christopher Kuruneri is the first of President Robert Mugabe's big guns to go to gaol, where police can hold him for a month before bringing him...

Gunning for Mnangagwa

A corruption probe into ZANU-PF's finances aims to block the Parliamentary Speaker's bid to succeed President Mugabe

A high-level investigation initiated by former army commander General Solomon Mujuru into claims of massive corruption in the commercial operations of the Zimbabwe African National Union-Popular Front (ZANU-PF)...

Losing Zengeza

The ruling party has won another by-election – and the opposition is faltering

The economic meltdown continues, land resettlement is hobbled by corruption and mismanagement, and the ruling elite is quarrelling over the presidential succession. So the main opposition Movement for...

Rebirth pains

The upcoming season of pan-African summits will test the new institutions and promises of reform

The grand economic plans of the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NePAD) are to be revived when African and Western leaders meet in Mozambique on 16-17 April. Three...

Displaying 2201-2210 out of 2694 results.