Vol 45 No 23 | SOUTH AFRICARUSSIA Russian roulette 19th November 2004 A touted take-over of Gold Fields by Harmony Gold, both major South African companies, looks as though it may be about to fall flat on its face. Harmony...
Vol 45 No 22 | SOUTH AFRICA Drama in the Durban dock 5th November 2004 Deputy President Jacob Zuma's future is on the line as his friend and financial advisor goes on trial The two most powerful men in the country's politics flanked grieving widow Linda Makhaye at the funeral of African National Congress firebrand Dumisani Makhaye on 30 October. To...
Vol 45 No 22 | SOUTH AFRICAIRAQ A very private war II 5th November 2004 Erynis Iraq replies to Africa Confidential Further to your article 'South Africa/Iraq: A very private war' of 11 June 2004 (AC Vol 45 No 12), we wish to respond to the allegations made.
Vol 45 No 22 | ANGOLA Green light 5th November 2004 Donors will give Angola the benefit of the doubt and hold a pledging conference next year. On 15 October in Luanda, Karel de Gucht, Belgian Foreign Minister, said...
Vol 45 No 22 | NAMIBIA A Nujoma dynasty? 5th November 2004 With former Foreign Minister Hidipo Hamutenya and his supporters demoted in a purge orchestrated by outgoing President Sam Nujoma, many MPs elected in the 15-16 November polls will...
Vol 45 No 21 | ZAMBIA Proof of the PUDDing 22nd October 2004 A brand new party is proof of political moves by President and ex-President alike Ex-President Frederick Chiluba is making a comeback, linked to the newly formed Party for Unity, Democracy and Development. PUDD consists mainly of his close associates: its spokesperson, Dan...
Vol 45 No 21 | ZIMBABWE Tsvangirai half free 22nd October 2004 Now the MDC must decide whether to fight next year's elections on Mugabe's terms Morgan Tsvangirai will be back in the High Court on 2 November to face more treason charges, this time for planning a mass action campaign against the government...
Vol 45 No 21 | SOUTH AFRICA Facts on a fax 22nd October 2004 Pressure is mounting on Deputy President Jacob Zuma following claims by state prosecutors on 19 October that he received a 500,000 rand (US$79,000) bribe from France's Thomson-CSF.
Vol 45 No 20 | SOUTH AFRICA That golden moment 8th October 2004 A foreign take-over of a local bank could mean the end of exchange controls Barclays' planned purchase of ABSA (Amalgamated Banks of South Africa) is set to be the biggest foreign investment in post-apartheid South Africa. It cheers economic liberals, who argue...
Vol 45 No 20 | CONGO-KINSHASAZAMBIA Undiplomatic row 8th October 2004 Zambian President Levy Mwanawasa sacked Vice-President Nevers Mumba on 4 October for igniting a serious diplomatic row. Mumba had accused individuals in Congo-Kinshasa of funding the Zambian opposition.