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Displaying 2101-2110 out of 2694 results.

South Africa: If Zuma walks free

The political and economic consequences of an acquittal for Jacob Zuma would reverberate across Africa

South Africans will have to wait nine months for the political trial of the century, when Jacob Zuma's trial for corruption starts in the Durban High Court in...


Famine threatens and an enfeebled government lacks the authority to act

President Bingu wa Mutharika's declaration of a national disaster because of the food shortages which threaten over half of Malawi's eleven million people may boost contributions to the...

Totally broke

The Indeni oil refinery, the only one in Zambia, is jointly owned by the government and the French company TotalFinaElf, which manages it. The owner-partners are quarrelling furiously...

MDC muddle

The opposition Movement for Democratic Change is split, and the future of Morgan Tsvangirai, its leader, is in doubt. Tsvangirai wants to boycott the coming elections, as voting...

Ravalomanana Inc.

The President's foreign friends admire him but he is less revered at home

President Marc Ravalomanana runs Madagascar like one of his own successful companies. The buck stops at the top and poorly performing executives or ministers are sacked without worrying...

A judge on his travels

Justice Peter Smith of the London High Court found himself unable to assemble the necessary witnesses for a civil action by the Zambian government, in which it is...

Radical cheque

In expansive mood after his Caribbean sojourn, 81-year old President Robert Mugabe announced for the first time to journalists at the United Nations summit that he definitely intends...

Hamutenya returns

Ex-Foreign Affairs Minister Hidipo Hamutenya may soon return to frontline politics after the fall of his opponent Paulus Kapia, the former deputy Minister of Works involved in the...

Politics behind the trial

The accused Vice-President gives the unions a grip on economic policy

The tricky relationship between President Thabo Mbeki and the country's big trades unions has become intermingled with the corruption charges against Vice-President Jacob Zuma (AC Vol 46 No...

Karanga calling

The death of a military-politician creates a gap in the regional power play

Josiah Tungamirai, who died in South Africa on 25 August, served as Air Vice-Marshal and as Black Empowerment Minister. More importantly, he was the standard-bearer of the Karanga,...

Displaying 2101-2110 out of 2694 results.