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Displaying 201-210 out of 2696 results.

Dismay as court strikes down reform laws

Crucial political reforms have just failed, meaning the 7 October election goes ahead under the system that produced so much instability

Polling in the general election will open on 7 October without the expected constitutional reforms designed to rid the country of its notorious political instability, disappointing many in...

Fears of pain in prospect

Pundits and public alike are waking up to the economic sacrifices entailed in the US$1.3 billion IMF rescue package agreed at the beginning of the month amid concern...

UNITA plans protests but drops boycott

The opposition has reconciled itself to a stolen election, but the ruling party is nervous and may fall back on violent repression

Surrounded by hundreds of soldiers, João Lourenço was sworn in for a second presidential term at Praça da República in Luanda on 15 September. The first session of...

Lourenço's bruising victory

The ruling party may have won, but it has not emerged stronger from the result, nor has the President, who did not act like a graceful victor

The 24 August general elections produced the victory that President João Lourenço expected, but not by a margin that the Movimento Popular de Libertação de Angola (MPLA) is...

ANC hopefuls race for the top

There could be upsets galore as the fractious ruling party opens campaigning for its top jobs

From fixing potholes, going to church, firing up the comrades at imbizos (community meetings) to speaking at memorials for African National Congress stalwarts, party activists who want to...

Debt deal boosts kwacha

It was months in the making, but Zambia's $1.3 billion bailout from the International Monetary Fund has made an instant impact. The kwacha currency gained more than 3%...

Win for Hain's Bain campaign

The Guptas and their allies enlisted big-name multinational firms in state capture and some are losing global business over their role

Britain's three-year ban on public sector contracts with Bain & Co, the world's biggest management consultancy, for its 'grave professional misconduct' in South Africa may be part of...

Displaying 201-210 out of 2696 results.