Vol 47 No 22 | ANGOLA Economic star, social crisis 3rd November 2006 As Angola's oil output soars towards 2 million barrels a day (b/d) by the end of 2007, it could become the world's fastest growing economy. The doubling of Angola's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth to 31.4% in 2007 from this year's estimated 14.3%, as forecast by the IMF, reflects the 'surge in oil...
Vol 47 No 22 | SOUTH AFRICA Legal minefields 3rd November 2006 Sheaves of litigation await mineral giant Gold Fields as it seeks to wrest control of the lucrative South Deep gold mine. The issue centres on the legitmacy of share trading involving hundreds of milions of dollars undertaken by the late mining magnate Brett Kebble before he was murdered in...
Vol 47 No 22 | NAMIBIA Missing in action 3rd November 2006 New army Chief Lieutenant General Martin Shalli, recalled from Zambia last month after Gen. Solomon Hawala's sudden retirement, faces a storm over sales of armoured personnel carriers (APCs)...
Vol 47 No 22 | MALAWI Madonna madness 3rd November 2006 Following pop queen Madonna Louisa Ciccone's tearful defence of her adoption of Malawi-born orphan David Banda on America's Oprah Winfrey TV chatshow in October, some Malawi officials expressed...
Vol 47 No 21 | ZAMBIA The Titanic sails at dawn 20th October 2006 The opposition offered its voters refuge on Noah's Ark, but it sank and Mwanawasa is back The polls were wrong and Michael Sata lost to incumbent President Levy Patrick Mwanawasa, whose solid 42 per cent of the vote came overwhelmingly from rural areas. In...
Vol 47 No 21 | SOUTH AFRICA The ANC's toughest election yet 20th October 2006 It will be the fiercest-fought election the African National Congress has faced since coming to power in 2004 Even the most conservative African National Congress activists admit that a schism has developed in the party between supporters of President Thabo Mbeki and those of sacked Deputy...
Vol 47 No 21 | SOUTH AFRICA The road to the ANC's 2007 National Conference 20th October 2006 Preparatory conferences 1.The African National Congress Provincial Conferences will be fiercely lobbied by Jacob Zuma's and Thabo Mbeki's camps. The Provincial Conferences will be held after Mbeki delivers...
Vol 47 No 21 | SOUTH AFRICA Who is eligible to vote? 20th October 2006 The African National Congress strictly determines eligibility to vote at national conferences. Branches usually nominate two delegates, more in large urban branches . . .
Vol 47 No 21 | NAMIBIA Kobi's refuge 20th October 2006 Former Chief Executive of United States-based Comverse Inc. Jacob 'Kobi' Alexander was arrested in Windhoek on 27 September on an Interpol warrant but he has formed some powerful...
Vol 47 No 20 | MOZAMBIQUE Let it walk 6th October 2006 The economy is storming away and so is graft in President Guebuza's aid-dependent regime President Armando Emilio Guebuza promotes himself as a successful businessman and a reformer. Two years ago that won him the presidency (AC Vol 47 No 6), but he...