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Displaying 2011-2020 out of 2694 results.

Bailing out President Mugabe

Despite its cold war with Whitehall, Harare's biggest financiers are London-based banks and insurance companies

British and South African banks have provided a more than US$400 million financial lifeline to President Robert Mugabe's government over the last two years, much of it targeted...

South Africa's spat

South Africa, host to the New Partnership for African Development (NePAD) Secretariat and driving force behind the African Peer Review Mechanism, should have run a model assessment, bringing...

Who said what to whom?

The latest bizarre political twist is the arrest of three senior executives of the former governing party, the United Democratic Front, whose chairman is ex-President Bakili Muluzi. Three...

Polls postponed

National elections are set for more delays as President José Eduardo dos Santos' government pushes through a new constitution in the interregnum between legislative and presidential polls.

Joining the big league

As its oil output surges, Angola announces that it is to join OPEC

The announcement on 29 November that Angola is to join the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries in March came as a surprise - not at the decision but...

An economic fairy tale

Goverment data on the economy reads like fiction

Finance Minister Herbert Murerwa's 4.3 trillion Zimbabwe dollar (officially US$17.2 million) budget for 2007 passed through Parliament on 7 December with no debate about its untenable assumptions. It...

Annual Conference

Special reports from the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front's annual conference, 14-17 December 2006. This article is free to all users in Special Reports.

Law wars

The ruling party's barons are getting ready for the national conference this week - by suing each other. The Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front's National Chairman John Nkomo,...

Displaying 2011-2020 out of 2694 results.