Vol 48 No 12 | NAMIBIA Sam and son of Sam 8th June 2007 Former President Sam Nujoma holds on to his party presidency, while his relations make their fortunes The governing party is split and its veteran leader wants to take control again. After months of tension, the Politbureau of the South West African People's Organisation decided...
Vol 48 No 12 | NAMIBIA Cosa Namibia 8th June 2007 Palermo-born Vito Roberto Palazzolo, who is wanted by the Italian police on charges of membership of the mafia, drug-trafficking and money-laundering, is extending his business interests from South...
Vol 48 No 12 | ANGOLASOUTH AFRICA Eat the document 8th June 2007 Sensational accusations are flying between Pretoria and Luanda as South Africa's presidential race heats up, with frontrunners Jacob Zuma and Tokyo Sexwale both accused of interfering in Angolan...
Vol 48 No 10 | SOUTH AFRICA A new white hope 11th May 2007 The Democratic Alliance's new leader looks competent, but may not widen the party's appeal much Cape Town's Mayor, Helen Zille, took more than 70% of delegates' votes in the election for leader of the Democratic Alliance (DA) on 6 May and will prove...
Vol 48 No 10 | ZAMBIAECONOMY Stop thief 11th May 2007 British High Court Justice Peter Smith has found that ex-President Frederick Chiluba stole US$46 million of state funds from Zambia between 1991 and 2002 (AC Vol 46 No...
Vol 48 No 10 | ZAMBIA Vultures over Lusaka 11th May 2007 On 24 April, the London High Court ordered the Zambian government to pay US$15.5 million to a 'vulture fund'. Debt relief campaigners say the payment will undermine efforts...
Vol 48 No 10 | SOUTH AFRICA Jacob and the dog collar 11th May 2007 Presidential hopeful Jacob Zuma keeps up his political ambitions. At a well-attended May Day rally in North West Province, he called on workers to challenge African National Congress...
Vol 48 No 10 | ANGOLAISRAEL Exit Arkady 11th May 2007 A quarrel over business spoils seems to lie behind the hasty departure of Russo-Israeli businessman Arkady Gaydamak from Luanda late last month.
Vol 48 No 10 | SOUTH AFRICA Up for the cup 11th May 2007 Mayor Helen Zille's most visible achievement involves the construction of a 68,000-seat football stadium for the 2010 World Cup. She fought hard to cap the city's financial contribution...
Vol 48 No 9 | NAMIBIARUSSIA Going nuclear Russian-style 27th April 2007 Russia hopes to buy uranium from Africa and sell it generators, as nuclear power comes back into fashion. It has made offers to Angola (AC Vol 48 No...