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Displaying 1881-1890 out of 2694 results.

The ugly endgame

President Mugabe has been wounded by his party's parliamentary defeat but his loyalists plan a final orgy of repression

War veterans, 'green bombers' and other irregular armed military units are being despatched across Zimbabwe to crush the opposition Movement for Democratic Change following its win in the...

The hyperinflation club

On the fringes of an opposition rally just before the election stood a solitary figure holding a placard, his jacket pasted with Z$10 million bearer cheques. With the...

New man, new discipline

Ian Khama calmly takes over the presidency as bigger neighbours struggle with successions and elections

Southern Africa's model democracy shamed its neighbours with the dignified inauguration of its new president on 1 April. Lieutenant General Ian Khama Seretse Khama quickly stamped his authority...

Diamond power

Economic diversification is the centrepiece of President Ian Khama's strategy and its first test will be in the diamond business. Botswana, the world's biggest producer of diamonds by...

Treading on the corn

It is universally accepted that a Malawian government's legitimacy is determined by the latest maize harvest. 'Chimango ndi moyo' (Maize is life) is an expression often heard and...

The best elections money can buy

The formal processes that must precede next year's general elections get started on 24 April, at the national convention of Bakili Muluzi's United Democratic Front (UDF). The meeting...

The sick man of the south

President Mugabe's disastrous stewardship is dragging the region's economy downwards but the leaders are divided on the remedy

Zimbabwe's elections on 29 March raise some hard questions for the region. Member governments and the Chairman of the Southern African Development Community, Zambia's President Levy Mwanawasa, have...

Displaying 1881-1890 out of 2694 results.