The force behind Robert Mugabe's re-election campaign was former intelligence chief Emmerson Mnangagwa, the Secretary for Legal Affairs of the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front, along with the...
Vol 49 No 14 |
Looking for big projects and with plenty of cash, three
Russian companies are ready to invest in Zambia's mines
Three Russian companies plan to inject over US$2 billion into Zambia's mining sector. If this project is successful, it will be the country's single biggest foreign direct investment....
Vol 49 No 14 |
The ruling party looks set to win again at the parliamentary
elections which are due to be held in September. Strikingly, nearly
one in five Angolans belongs to the governing party, the MPLA.
Nevertheless, voters will expect it to explain why the general
public has not benefited from the vast wealth that is arriving
as Angola takes over from Nigeria as Africa's leading oil producer.
In power since 1992, the Movimento Popular de Libertação de Angola is at least sure of its ability to deliver peaceful polls. Even the main opposition party (the...
Top of the list of Angola's fat cats is the family of President José Eduardo dos Santos. Its latest visible acquisition, in January, was Channel Two of the...
Angola's coming general elections are followed far beyond its borders. While the country was enmeshed in civil war, oil companies and their governments were the only outsiders who...
Vol 49 No 14 |
Until Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel leant on them, Munich-based security printers Giesecke & Devrient GmbH had a lucrative contract to supply paper for Zimbabwe's considerable demand for new...
The determination of the military to retain power at all costs makes the 27 June election deadly and pointless
The last ditch efforts by the United Nations’ Haile Menkerios and South Africa’s Thabo Mbeki to broker a meeting between President Robert Mugabe and opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai...
In Zimbabwe’s state-controlled media – the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation (paradoxically modelled on the British Broadcasting Corporation but periodically purged), the Harare daily The Herald, and the Sunday Mail...
It began with the refusal of Southern African governments to allow a shipment of Chinese arms to unload at their ports and cross their territory to landlocked Zimbabwe...
Vol 49 No 13 |
The ANC's leadership wants to know where its money came from - and where it went
Bitterness has festered within the governing African National Congress since Jacob Zuma took over as party President from national President Thabo Mbeki. The stabbing of Mcebisi Skwatsha, a...