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Displaying 1831-1840 out of 2694 results.

The Nogo and Gono show

As the political talks stutter, the economy continues to implode and the regime is far from having 'total control'

Robert Mugabe's slogan for his victorious, opponent-free rerun of the presidential election was 'the last battle for total control'. Yet the formal economy is spiralling out of...

Our mutual friend

The control freaks of the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front seem astonished that their diktats go unheard by the world's stock exchanges. Yet when it comes to their...

The rot at the top

As President Mutharika's life-and-death struggle with his opponents continues, things start to fall apart

The country's political crisis is intensifying and threatening government finances, thanks to the confrontational style of President Bingu wa Mutharika and his eager lieutenants. More clashes are...

After Levy

Zambia faces a difficult political transition after the death of President Levy Patrick Mwanawasa on 19 August, aged 59. Contrary to expectations, he had presided over an...

Arms and the men

Investigators are probing multimillion pound payments from Britain through secret accounts to a key ally of President Robert Mugabe

Britain’s BAE Systems, one of the world’s biggest arms companies, has paid over £25 million (US$49.5 mn.) to a company whose majority Zimbabwean shareholder is a long-time business...

A sick man's contest

The President is probably unfit to continue and his main opponents are either ill or accused of corruption

Everyone seems convinced that President Levy Patrick Mwanawasa, who suffered a stroke a month ago, will not resume his duties. Inside his Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD) the...

Blame the judges

It is a testing time for the judiciary as it prepares for the trial of African National Congress President Jacob Zuma. His supporters say the trial is politically motivated and want the charges of corruption, money laundering and racketeering thrown out. Obstacles to the prosecution are being sought and threats issued to those judges pressing ahead with the trial. The outcome will determine who in the ANC will stand for election as the next President of South Africa.

Jacob Zuma, having won the election for the presidency of the ruling African National Congress, wants to win next year's election for the presidency of South Africa. He...

Judges of the Constitutional Court

Chief Justice Pius Langa: The head of the Constitutional Court and of the Judicial Commission from rural Limpopo Province worked as a labourer in a shirt factory and...

The judges, lawyers and ministers

KwaZulu-Natal Judge President Vuka Tshabalala studied at the Universities of Fort Hare and Natal. He lost many pro-African National Congress President Jacob Zuma friends by choosing retired Judge...

Displaying 1831-1840 out of 2694 results.