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Displaying 1801-1810 out of 2694 results.

Hands across the water

The boom in Indian-South African relations is bringing together politicians, companies, and even Bollywood film stars and African actors. Both have their iconic statesmen – Nelson Mandela and Mohandas Gandhi, who briefly...

Pre-presidential discord

Claims of vote-rigging sour the atmosphere for the poll that acting President Rupiah Banda looks likely to win

Zambia, like Kenya andZimbabwe faces the risk of a disputed presidential election. The vote to replace the late Levy Patrick Mwanawasa is set for 30 October...

A diamond power play

Allegations of gem smuggling and hints of top-level trickery prompt a UN investigation

General Solomon Mujuru, former head of the army and politicalkingmaker, is caught up in a feud over the ownership of one of Zimbabwe’s biggest diamond mines. Mujuru’s company...

Mugabe rearranges the deckchairs

Almost a month after the signing of the power-sharing agreement, Zimbabwe is no nearer to a new cabinet.

The ink was barely dry on the accord before President Robert Mugabe left for New York to address the United Nations General Assembly with a 60-strong entourage. Muddles...

Hunger stalks the land

Malnourished children are dying in the countryside and the next harvest is unlikely to be better.

Malnourished children are dying in the countryside and the next harvest is unlikely to be better. The combination of the worst drought for a decade and bad government...

On the verge of a nervous breakdown

A formal break in the ruling African National Congress is looming.

On 13 October, its National WorkingCommittee, dominated by supporters of party President Jacob Zuma, suspended former party Chairman, Defence Minister Mosiuoa Lekota, who announced five days earlier that...

All politics is provincial

All the African National Congress’s provincial branches are internally divided between Thabo Mbeki and Jacob Zuma supporters.

The Western Cape and Eastern Cape branches are still reeling from the pro-Zuma leadership’s sacking this year of their pro-Mbeki Premiers, Ebrahim Rasool and Nosimo Balindlela. On 10...

Sweet FA

England’s Football Association (FA) may be interested in the links between Alexandre Gaydamak, the declared owner of Portsmouth Football Club, and arms-dealing companies that have emerged in the...

A wounded presidency

President Motlanthe has a tough mandate: to heal a broken party and hold back an economic downturn

The soft-spoken Kgalema Motlanthe, elevated from the Deputy Presidency of the African National Congress to the Presidency of South Africa, faces a tough job. Amid bitterness, Thabo Mbeki...

Displaying 1801-1810 out of 2694 results.