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Displaying 1621-1630 out of 2694 results.

Didymus Mutasa dithers

Joice Mujuru's victory in ZANU-PF's leadership election could encourage more pragmatism as pressure mounts for Mugabe's exit

In the hierarchy of the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front, the Politburo Secretary for Administration ranks fifth, running the Secretariat that sets dates and agendas for the political...

In favour and out of cash

The ANC government’s left-wing supporters in Cosatu and the SACP want more of their comrades in the cabinet and more social spending

The Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu) and the SA Communist Party (SACP) have gained strength since they helped President Jacob Zuma into power in April. Their...

The race for second place

No change is expected for the governing party but the opposition may look different after this month's polls

President Hifikepunye Pohamba's governing South West Africa People's Organisation will almost certainly win again, and comfortably, at the elections on 27-28 November. The main opposition parties claim they...

The rise and rise of ethnic politics

The predominance of Lhomwe people in the government hierarchy raises doubts about Mutharika's nationalism

The star attraction of the Lhomwe cultural festival last month was President Bingu wa Mutharika: his presence reflects his growing use of his own ethnic identity to mobilise...

Jackie Selebi on trial

Nothing is going according to plan with the prosecution for corruption of former police chief and former Interpol director Jackie Selebi (AC Vol 50 No 16). As he...

Throwing out the neighbours

A spree of mutual expulsions disguises long-standing economic disputes

The two big neighbours have been busily expelling each others' nationals and the resulting tension hides their disagreements about oil, diamonds and the hoped-for electric power from a...

A dominant party – not a one-party state

Accusations of bias and irregularities tarnish the success of Frelimo in national elections and may prompt cuts in investment and aid

The decisive re-election of President Armando Guebuza on 27 October delivered all that the governing Frente de Libertação de Moçambique wanted: victory with over 75% of the vote...

Brand new MDM will challenge Frelimo

Established just six months before the elections, the Movimento Democrático de Moçambique has come further than any other third party in Mozambique's history and will be well placed...

'Too many enemies'

When arms disappeared from Pomona Barracks, north of Harare, last month, the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front barons again blamed the Movement for Democratic Change but military intelligence...

Displaying 1621-1630 out of 2694 results.