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Displaying 1611-1620 out of 2694 results.

Three men in a boat

Somehow the unlikely triumvirate sticks together – for fear of something worse – amid signs of a slowly recovering economy

The uneasy coalition government will rumble on into 2010, making painful but discernible progress on economic reform. It is in none of the three main parties’ interest to...

Elusive shoots of economic recovery

The key issue for the power-sharing regime is reviving the economy. According to the 2010 budget, the government is aiming for 7% gross domestic product growth, underpinned by...

Football, contracts and then votes

The President would win an election but won’t hold one, while worrying about the neighbours and the African football cup

At the congress of the governing Movimento Popular de Libertação de Angola (MPLA) in December, President José Eduardo dos Santos once more postponed the general elections until 2012...

Ready or not, here they come

President Zuma’s government is confident about the 2010 World Cup preparations, despite professional fouls in the organising committee

Sepp Blatter, President of football’s ruling Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) looked relieved at the 11 December draw in Cape Town for next year’s World Cup. Standing...

Prospering yet parlous

The economy is looking up but scandals and regional tensions upset the governing party’s election hopes

With copper revenue rising, poverty falling and farms thriving, the fortunes of President Rupiah Banda’s Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD) government should be on the up, with hopes...

SWAPO's victory challenged

Nine opposition parties have launched a joint legal challenge to the South West African People's Organisation (SWAPO) election victory on 27-28 November. This may force a recount (AC...

All that glitters is mine

The details of the US$8 billion China Sonangol/China International Fund are becoming more apparent as subsidiary deals are signed. On 7 December, Zimbabwe's Transport and Mining Ministries signed mining and construction...

The other power struggle

Efforts to raise electricity tariffs and tackle underinvestment in the energy industry prompt rows with government and the trades unions

A financing crisis in the state-owned power company, Eskom, threatens the government's hopes of more investment in manufacturing and services. On 30 November, Eskom applied to the National...

Faint heart never beat stout lady in the ruling party

Joice Mujuru’s victory in ZANU-PF’s leadership election could encourage more pragmatism as pressure mounts for Mugabe’s exit

Emmerson Mnangagwa is nicknamed 'the Crocodile' partly for his ability to snap after long periods of log-like but watchful inertia. In November's election for the Praesidium of the...

Displaying 1611-1620 out of 2694 results.