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Displaying 1571-1580 out of 2694 results.

The Patel alternative

The battle for control of economic development planning continues and the National Planning Commission’s mandate has not yet been agreed. President Jacob Zuma blundered when, in his address...

Diamond disputes

Quarrels over diamond concessions preoccupy politicians of all stripes and some adventurous foreign capitalists

There are not many ways to get rich in Zimbabwe just now and the best is diamond mining. The business is dominated by the ruling clique in the...

The battle around Banda

Even his own party cannot agree on whether to back the President for the coming election campaign

Rupiah Bwezani Banda came to office by accident in November 2008, on the death of President Levy Mwanawasa. He hopes to win another election next year and has...

Tax and spend

The IMF advises the government to raise taxes to finance public investment; the mining companies beg to differ

The big mining houses are predictably grumbling about the Zambian government’s plans for a 25% windfall tax on copper and cobalt production. President Rupiah Banda is standing firm,...

CDC goes offshore

A mining company in which the British government is the biggest shareholder is using Mauritius-registered front companies to avoid paying millions of dollars in taxes on its mineral...

Nuctech’s nobody

Why won’t anyone help Yang Fan pay his US$135,000 bail bond – especially when he has $2.3 million stashed in a local bank account and a swish golf...

In a league of his own

Claiming that he made Jacob Zuma President, Julius Malema now faces a challenge to his own power base

This week, President Jacob Zuma has hard choices to make about Julius Malema, the vociferous leader of the African National Congress Youth League. Malema has several times publicly...

Live by the sword

The murder of racist politician Eugene Terre’Blanche could revive old hatreds and spark new fears

The timing could hardly have been worse. Only two months before South Africa hosts the football World Cup, incidents involving politicians at opposite ends of the political spectrum...


The death of Aleke Banda was announced on 9 April 2010. Although he was born in Zambia (then Northern Rhodesia), was educated in Zimbabwe (Southern Rhodesia) and died...

Displaying 1571-1580 out of 2694 results.