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Displaying 1531-1540 out of 2694 results.

Ghostly presences

As Mugabe’s party declines in Matebeleland, the old alternative resistance movement is climbing out of the grave

A black shroud materialised on Bulawayo’s Main Street a month ago in the dead of night and has since been guarded around the clock by uniformed and plainclothes...

Malema loses a friend

Robert Mugabe’s bid for Kwame Nkrumah’s pan-African kente cloth won mixed reviews at the African National Congress’s Youth Conference near Johannesburg. Tongai Kasukuwere, Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front...

Indigens and expatriates

The National Indigenisation and Empowerment Board is supposed to ensure that 51% of the economy is indigenised by 2015. However, its original target of a blanket 51% indigenous...

Copper-bottomed but leaky

Booming mines and farms, and a government beset by talk of corruption and strange legal decisions

Fuelled by rising world demand for copper and cobalt and by a bumper maize harvest, the economy is growing at a roaring 7.5%. Yet President Rupiah Banda, who...

Strong investment, weak prosperity

According to the latest figures from the Zambia Development Agency (ZDA), foreign direct investment totalled a record US$2.4 billion in the first half of 2010, up from $959...

Mounting strikes

Support is building for the national strike of nurses, teachers and clerks since it was launched on 18 August, presenting two serious threats to President Jacob Zuma’s government....

A golden child in Zuma's family

Political networks are helping a scion of the Zuma clan secure lucrative supply and production deals with Asian investors

The business empire of Khulubuse Zuma, a favourite nephew of President Jacob Zuma, is growing at breakneck speed and strengthened by a raft of opaque deals with Chinese and South Korean...

Luanda's oil lifeline

Economic relations between Luanda and Beijing are getting even closer as Angola struggles with mounting debts while China becomes more dependent on Angolan oil. In mid-August, Finance Minister Carlos Alberto Lopes...

Displaying 1531-1540 out of 2694 results.