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Displaying 1401-1410 out of 2694 results.

A vote about money

Largesse from the copper boom rather than good policies boosts the President’s chances in next month’s polls

The main challenger to President Rupiah Bwezani Banda in the elections he has called for 20 September is his arch-rival Michael Chilufya Sata: both agree that money will...

Some Banda backers exit

In the last two months, some high-profile Movement for Multiparty Democracy personalities, including close friends of President Rupiah Banda’s, have crossed over to Michael Sata’s Patriotic Front (PF).

The President lashes out

After killings and detentions by security forces, oppositionists plan another demonstration to press their demands for reform

President Bingu wa Mutharika’s shift from egotistical technocrat to violent despot was not entirely surprising, given his style of government over the past six years. Few people believe...

Foreign policy flip-flops

President Zuma’s foreign policies await definition and are under fierce attack from his former allies

President Jacob Zuma’s foreign policy, his critics at home say, is just like his domestic policy: he sits on the fence hoping to please everyone and in the...

Zuma's front-line diplomats

The President's foreign policy team

Kgalema Motlanthe, Deputy President: focuses on the United States, Canada, Britain and the European Union. Privately critical of South Africa’s embrace of China, Motlanthe wants to work more...

Spinning out of control

Four spin doctors vie for coverage on behalf of President Mugabe and his party as the battle over the next elections heats up

The official line from President Robert Gabriel Mugabe and the highest policy-making body of his Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front, the Politburo, is that elections must be held...

Bad fences, bad neighbours

Disputes over politics, oil and diamonds are dividing the two neighbouring governments

Relations between Luanda and Kinshasa could deteriorate sharply after a series of disputes. Angolan border police expelled about 15,000 Congolese in April and May after rounding them up...

Media makeover

Luanda’s secretive government has set up a task force to overhaul its communications strategy before next year’s parliamentary elections. The grandly titled Grupo de Revitalização e Execução da...

Displaying 1401-1410 out of 2694 results.