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Displaying 1351-1360 out of 2695 results.

Maputo’s pan-Asian business plan

The government is bringing in investment from every substantial economy in Asia to back its industrialisation and energy projects

From the roads and rail networks to telecoms, the energy sector and the myriad minerals buried in its soil, there has been a sharp spike in the presence...

Diverse diplomats

The array of investments across the economy shows that the government is keen to see Mozambique diversify away from purely resource-based flows. The variety of Asian partners is...

The unions turn up the pressure

Chinese companies’ treatment of trades unions in South Africa has come to national attention again, just as the elections in Zambia have highlighted the government’s role in managing...

Wylbur Simuusa

Minister of Mines, Zambia

Once known for his firey anti-Chinese rhetoric, Zambian President Michael Sata has moved on. He now refers to China as a partner who must behave responsibly in return...

Gwede Mantashe

African National Congress Secretary General, South Africa

Gwede Mantashe may have hoped for a quiet study tour in China, but it was not to be. The African National Congress Secretary General led a delegation to...

Malema and Zuma mass their armies

Presidential friends and foes are keenly purging their factions and reaching for every weapon at hand

Fierce purges are under way in the governing African National Congress and its affiliates, paralysing the government and the organisations themselves. The clean-outs are reciprocal, among both opponents...

Dos Santos calls elections

Now the longest-serving President in Africa, Dos Santos tries to face down a wave of young protestors

Both politicians and electors are distinctly sceptical about President José Eduardo dos Santos’s announcement that the next elections will take place in the third quarter of 2012. There...

Storm over SA mercenaries in Libya

Ex-soldiers and police officers recruited in Cape Town helped some of Gadaffi’s family escape to Algeria but another team was less successful

Two teams of South African mercenaries are believed to have helped members of the Gadaffi family to escape from Libya and may have tried to save the late...

Displaying 1351-1360 out of 2695 results.