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Displaying 1331-1340 out of 2695 results.

Return of the Chissanoistas

President Guebuza’s bid to stay on looks dead, which could mean a Chissano comeback

After seven years of consolidating his position, Armando Emílio Guebuza now faces the failure of his bid to change the constitution to permit him a third term as...

Comrades and compromisers

Eduardo Mulémbuè: Parliament's former, long-serving Speaker, is a low-key, neutral figure with support across the Frente de Libertação de Moçambique (Frelimo) factions and a good compromise candidate.

Donors challenge Bingu

Aid providers wring some concessions from an increasingly arbitrary president

President Bingu wa Mutharika has stood up to his opponents in civil society and shows no sign of meeting their demands or of loosening his grip on power....

High unit costs

The police Special Investigations Unit, which will gather evidence for President Jacob Zuma's new board of inquiry into the 1999 multibillion-rand arms deal, may now produce results more...

Small coup in Quelimane

The victory of the Movimento Democrático de Moçambique in the mayoral by-election in Quelimane on 7 December was a humiliating – and unnecessary – defeat for the ruling...

Alarm over security deal

President Sata’s government investigates inflated contracts that were financed with Chinese concessional loans

A Zambia Revenue Authority commission of inquiry has turned up irregularities in a government agreement to purchase security scanners from Nuctech, a Chinese company formerly led by Hu...

Essar takes control of Zisco

India’s Essar Group has at last won control of Zimbabwe’s iron and steel works, after months of infighting in the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front threatened to derail...

MPLA curbs the media

The ruling party appears anxious to restrict free speech and ensure positive coverage in the lead up to the elections

The Movimento Popular de Libertação de Angola may take its time over deciding who it wants as the next president and when elections will take place but it...

Banks strike oil

On 29 November, Angola enacted a law forcing foreign oil companies to use the local banking system for their financial transactions, rather than hold their accounts offshore.

Displaying 1331-1340 out of 2695 results.