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Displaying 1311-1320 out of 2695 results.

Inquest blue

The inquest into the death of General Solomon Mujuru has closed on 6 February after hearing 39 witnesses. The evidence left after the raging inferno that killed him...

Blow to Geingob

The presidential ambitions of Hage Geingob appear holed beneath the waterline after he admitted taking a US$300,000 consultancy fee from French nuclear power company Areva in 2008 (AC...

Home, sweet Chinese home

A Chinese-built, multibillion-dollar housing project near the capital will test Beijing-Luanda relations

The government is under pressure to speed up construction projects to meet its promise to build a million houses in four years, ahead of September’s elections. The Nova...

Capitalists and communists

The Beijing government and China International Fund may be separate entities but the multiple links between the two become clearer with each new project. Two of the CIF’s...

Marques takes them on

A crusading journalist has launched a criminal complaint against the President’s allies, accusing them of grand corruption

A doughty campaigner, Angolan journalist Rafael Marques de Morais, has launched a formal complaint against three top officials close to the presidency for taking personal stakes in oil...

Cobalt's compulsory partners

In its annual disclosures (also known as the 10-K Form) to the Securities and Exchange Commission in New York on 31 December 2010, United States-registered Cobalt reported that...

Positions pending

After his annual holiday in south-east Asia, Mugabe has to decide whether to reappoint many of his ageing securocrats

The security officers around President Robert Mugabe like to shroud his movements in mystery. During the congress of his Zimbabwe African National Union Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF) in Bulawayo...

Displaying 1311-1320 out of 2695 results.