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Displaying 1291-1300 out of 2696 results.

Sata stumbles

The promise of a clean sweep of corruption is unfulfilled and the commitment to open politics undermined

Six months after their sweeping election victory, President Michael Chilufya Sata and his Patriotic Front (PF) are struggling to live up to their promises. They are in danger...

Where’s the indigenous cash?

Impala Platinum will let 51% of Zimplats go to public ownership but it looks as though the government has not got the cash

Youth, Indigenisation and Empowerment Minister Saviour Kasukuwere’s campaign to compel foreign-owned companies to sell majority stakes to Zimbabweans has stalled amid questions about how the government and local...

How to buy growth – for $100 billion

Both trades unions and business question the accountability of the government’s huge public spending programme, which would invest 850 billion rand (US$112 bn.) in power generation, transport and telecommunications over the next three years, plus more than R400 bn. for six new nuclear power stations by 2030

The announcement of these grandiose schemes in Parliament last month coincides with leadership contests within the governing African National Congress, which will choose its presidential candidate at...

Business gets a seat at the table

Infrastructure investment is financed partly from the National Treasury or appropriations by Parliament. Yet a large share of the finance comes from the budgets of state-owned enterprises (SOEs),...

Constitutional reform blow

ZANU-PF opposes the reforms planned to precede the elections and knows how to scupper them

The process of drafting the new constitution is teetering towards collapse. So the various factions are honing their plans for what could be a bruising election campaign under...

The rise of Tendai Biti

Tendai Biti has been the star both of the Movement for Democratic Change as its General Secretary and of the Government of National Unity as its Finance Minister....

Displaying 1291-1300 out of 2696 results.