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Displaying 1191-1200 out of 2695 results.

Guebuza’s new man

President Armando Guebuza has underlined his command of party and state by removing Prime Minister Aires Ali from his government job after he failed to hold on to...

Campaigning begins

The major parties are setting their sights on the coming elections but they have little confidence in their leaders

The two main political parties are moving into campaign mode. The High Court has finally acceded to President Robert Mugabe’s request to delay the outstanding by-elections any time...

Partial win for Guebuza

The President maintained his grip on the party at the Pemba Congress but there were still some surprises

The tenth Congress of the Frente de Libertação de Moçambique ended on 29 September but President Armando Guebuza did not get everything he wanted: he won’t be able...

The takeovers will buy votes

Ahead of national elections in March 2013, Indigenisation Minister Kasukuwere targets Chinese companies to raise funds for ZANU-PF’s campaign team

In papers submitted to the High Court for yet another extension on setting by-elections in late September, President Robert Mugabe gave an effective commitment to general elections by...

Beijing bets on Dos Santos

China’s backing of the MPLA ensured leverage and oil supplies – even if activists rail against the influx of unskilled Chinese labour

China may advocate a policy of non-interference, but that did not stop it taking a pretty prominent place in Angola’s 31 August elections, from the campaign trail and...

Fuqing crime and punishment

Several recent court cases – some stretching across two continents – highlight the corruption and criminality that accompany the rapid influx of Chinese investment and workers into Angola....

CIF starts work in Zimbabwe

State media proclaimed in mid-September that China International Fund was to begin building some of the infrastructure that it promised in late 2009 (AAC Vol 3 No 2)....

Tax treats stay in downturn

Opaque flows of foreign direct investment (FDI) from Mauritius to India look set to continue – despite the eight rounds of negotiations over the Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement...

At the political coalface

Plans by two Thai companies – PTT Asia Pacific Mining and Italian-Thai Development Company (Italthai) – to develop rich coal deposits at Sakoa have stalled amid...

Displaying 1191-1200 out of 2695 results.