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Displaying 1171-1180 out of 2689 results.

Zuma or else

A ruthless re-election campaign is set to win Jacob Zuma another term as ANC leader and national President

The re-election of President Jacob Zuma as African National Congress (ANC) President is an ‘unstoppable tsunami’, say his backers, yet many members of his original coalition of trades...

How the branches voted

Of the 4,500 voting delegates who will decide the African National Congress presidential election at the party conference, 4,103 (91.2%) will come from ANC branches, each of which...

Oil and gas prospects fuel lake row

The two sides will return to the table to settle an old dispute

Malawi and Tanzania will return to the negotiating table on 15-17 November to seek a diplomatic resolution to their dispute over the border in the lake that divides...

ZANU-PF’s gem of a campaign

Everyone is asking where Mugabe’s party is finding the money for its fleet of new vehicles and its pre-election largesse

A spending splash by the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front is attracting increasing suspicion that the funds come from illegally diverted diamond sales. ZANU-PF will hold its annual...

Three men in a boat

The triumvirate of Mugabe, Tsvangirai and Mutambara officially holds the key to the constitutional referendum. It faces major challenges

President Robert Mugabe opened the final Stakeholders’ Conference on the draft constitution on 22 October. When the audience dispersed three days later, nobody seemed clear on what substantive...

Sovereign wonga fund

The glitzy launch of the Sovereign Wealth Fund has bedazzled the international financial world, although many of the details are unclear

Amid much fanfare, Luanda formally launched its US$5 billion Fundo Soberano de Angola on 17 October. The Fsdea was formed from the Fundo Petrolifero set up by the...

Calls for protection against Beijing’s exports

The government wants to improve trade terms with China as new studies show how cheap imports are damaging local industries and costing jobs

South Africa’s Trade Minister Rob Davies gave a list of trade concerns to Beijing officials in October during his tour of East Asia. Davies’s government wants to reduce...

Rob Davies

Trade and Industry Minister, South Africa

Rob Davies’s recent tour led to the strengthened economic relations with Indonesia and China. On 17 October in Jakarta, South Africa’s Minister of Trade and Industry...

Displaying 1171-1180 out of 2689 results.