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Displaying 1111-1120 out of 2695 results.

Spoils for all, please

The main opposition party, the Resistência Nacional Moçambicana, wants its share of the riches currently benefiting the ruling Frente de Libertação de Moçambique and its senior members. Renamo...

UNITA’s warning

’Angola is sitting on a powder keg’, says Isaías Samakuva, leader of the main opposition party, the União Nacional para a Independência Total de Angola. He was talking...

Reality replaces Sata’s rhetoric

On President Sata’s inaugural trip to China, Beijing’s former critic welcomed Chinese investment as long as it produces clear benefits for Zambia

In opposition, he lambasted the role of Chinese companies in the Zambian economy, but President Michael Chilufya Sata’s April state visit to China marked a point of closure...

Teko trio on trial

Four years after their arrest, two Nambians and one Chinese national begin their defence against allegations of bribery and corruption

The much-anticipated trial in the US$55.3 million-Nuctech scanner case, in which the three defendants are charged with inflating invoices and pocketing a $12.8 mn. kickback, got off to...

Arthur Mutambara

Deputy Prime Minister, Zimbabwe

Speaking at a conference on China-Africa relations hosted by Frontier Advisory in South Africa, Zimbabwe’s Deputy Premier Arthur Mutambara urged greater African regulation of Chinese investment.

Debt deal scandal revives

Campaigners press the Swiss authorities to reopen their investigation into lucrative deals over Angola’s old debts to Russia

A group of Angolan anti-corruption campaigners and other civil society activists is trying to get Angola and Switzerland to reopen an investigation into a notorious mid-1990s debt deal...

The Abalone list

Elísio de Figueiredo has for some years been Angola’s Ambassador ‘Without Portfolio’ to France and is widely regarded as a key presidential ally and dealmaker.

Displaying 1111-1120 out of 2695 results.